The UC Davis veterinary hospital is excited to welcome farrier Shane Westman, APF, as a new member of the Large Animal Clinic’s (LAC) dedicated team of professionals. As a lifelong horseman and a farrier for 23 years, Westman brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the LAC.
While growing up riding and working with horses in his home state of Washington, Westman decided to turn his horse hobby into a career, and attended farrier trade school in 1992. He joined the American Association for Professional Farriers (AAPF) in its inaugural year as a founding member, and has since served on the board of directors for three years. Westman is especially passionate about promoting professional development through continuing education to help all farriers to constantly improve their practice. In addition, he has moderated roundtable discussions at the International Hoof Care Summit, demonstrated at the AAPF Hoofcare Essentials Clinic, and served as a farrier field representative at various equine trade shows.

Westman credits International Equine Veterinarians Hall of Famer Dr. Ric Redden’s annual laminitis symposium, which he first attended in Louisville in 1994, for getting him hooked on professional development events. He has shared this passion for learning by volunteering at several events, including the Northwest Horse Expo, the Washington State Horse Expo, the Northwest Washington Horse Expo, and many local riding organizations and charity groups. Additionally, Westman spent five years presenting to students in the veterinary assistant program at Skagit Valley College (WA), which included classroom lectures and live demonstrations.
Westman’s dedication to animals extends beyond his professional farrier duties. He is the co-founder and former board member of Skagit Animals In Need. The Washington nonprofit was established to assist animals in the care of the Skagit County animal control officer. When county resources become depleted, Skagit Animals In Need steps in with further assistance.

“I am very proud of helping to get that program off the ground,” Westman said. “We helped many horses and other animals over the years, and assisted a very hard working and dedicated animal control officer in Skagit County.”
For the entirety of his career, Westman has emphasized a team approach between veterinarians and farriers. This, in combination with Shane’s lifelong interest in therapeutic work, makes his new position at UC Davis one he has long sought. Working alongside a team of world-class equine specialists, Westman’s services will be an integral part of providing superior diagnostics and cutting-edge therapeutic services to LAC clients.
About the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
The William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California, Davis—a unit of the #1 world ranked School of Veterinary Medicine—provides state-of-the-art clinical care while serving as the primary clinical teaching experience for DVM students and post graduate veterinarian residents. The VMTH treats more than 50,000 animals a year, ranging from cats and dogs to horses, cows and exotic species. To learn more about the VMTH, please go to www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vmth. Timely news updates can be received on its Facebook (www.facebook.com/ucdavisvetmed) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/ucdavisvetmed) pages.

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