Unique Scratch Me Silly® Makes it Easy to Scratch and Massage Pets and People
(Coming in October 2018!)
Announcing the Scratch Me Silly®, the ultimate belly scratching tool! Developed by ScratchnAll, the makers of the popular animal scratch pads, the Scratch Me Silly® is an ergonomically designed and contoured tool that makes scratching the horse’s belly and other hard-to-reach spots easy. Plus, it’s built tough in the USA.
This unique product performs as an animal enrichment and desensitizing tool for use on all kinds of animals. People also enjoy using the Scratch Me Silly® on their own feet. It’s easy to reach the feet even when sitting comfortably in a chair. The action of the Scratch Me Silly® will increase circulation to the feet and toes.
Horses are tactile creatures who need physical touch. Scratching and massaging is one of the best ways humans can demonstrate affection for their horses or reward them for a job well done. Using the Scratch Me Silly® tool will create a deeper bond between humans and their animals. The Scratch Me Silly® helps users provide their horses relief from those itchy spots they cannot reach themselves.
Young or fearful horses will especially benefit from the experience of being touched and scratched by the Scratch Me Silly®. Its 32-inch length extends the reach, allowing users to stand upright and scratch those hard-to-reach spots like belly, croup, crest, and back, while remaining at a safe distance. The Scratch Me Silly® weighs just one pound and is triangularly shaped with rounded corners. One end is larger for bigger animals while the other is tailored toward smaller animals.
Scratch Me Silly® can also be used by physically challenged people to connect with their animals and is perfect for use in therapeutic riding programs.
The Scratch Me Silly® is a great aid for washing horses. Handlers can apply shampoo and scratch and wash at the same time. When applied, the animal will raise its back, strengthening its core and back muscles. Scratch Me Silly® will relax any animal and can even be used to apply medication to a sore area on the belly.
The Scratch Me Silly® is a perfect holiday gift for your animal-loving friends and their pets. The Scratch Me Silly® is sold singly or bundled with four black ScratchnAll Pads.
Available October 2018. For more information or to order go to www.scratchnall.com or contact them at 888-972-7282 or [email protected].
Founder Cynthia Garry is often asked “how did you ever get into this?” This is her story – click here to listen: https://soundcloud.com/user-117983170/the-story-of-scratchnall

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