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Dream or Fantasy?

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Avoid Fantasy to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

by Catherine Madera


What’s the difference between dreams and fantasies? I think the short answer is that a dream doesn’t ignore reality; the dreamer sees challenges clearly and finds realistic ways to overcome them. Horses have a wonderful way of igniting our imaginations. Interestingly, they are also a creature that insists you do not ignore reality. In fact, a horse will make sure you collide with it (literally or figuratively!) in your interactions with them. I could write a book about equestrian dreams…and fantasies that turned into nightmares. Horses can be excellent teachers that help us bridge the world of fantasy so we can achieve our dreams.

Constance Scharff riding Reenie, owned by Allison Trimble
Constance Scharff riding Reenie, owned by Allison Trimble

It can be difficult to let go of fantasy for some getting into horses for the first time, or returning after a long hiatus. Our theme this month is Training and Facilities and a healthy dose of reality is good “medicine” as you shop for a new horse, property, or trainer. Like a popular commercial warns: “Know your limit and play within it.” I find an excellent example of this as I watch my oldest girlfriend, Constance Scharff, begin riding again after many years. An author, speaker and addiction researcher today, Constance was once just another horse crazy 4H-er who raised and trained her best friend, an Arabian mare named Sintana, from a yearling. Now in her 40’s and ready to ride again, she knew buying another young Arabian might be appealing, but it wasn’t prudent. Instead, she is leasing a steady Quarter Horse mare from NWHS columnist Allison Trimble to safely regain her seat and reclaim abilities honed as a youth.

Our cover story this month introduces a new facility—Creidmount. Creid means “believe” in Gaelic. Success with horses, and horse businesses, require both belief and realistic planning and approaches. Believe for your dreams; don’t get lost (or hurt) in a fantasy.

Ride on and dream!


Published in September 2015 Issue

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