A Place to Train, Learn, and Enjoy Your Trail Horse
How and why did you get started in business?
After 25 years of judging, training, and instructing in the horse world, I wanted something different to do. Upon retiring from judging, my husband and I began camping and trail riding with the horses. We’d always been trail riders, but camping was new. We realized riding in central Oregon open country was challenging, and being prepared was necessary for safety. We loved riding in wilderness and always appreciated the training on our horses. These experiences provided a respectful view of a “real” trail horse and helped me design interesting scenarios for Perrydale Trails.
What is your history with horses?
Horse-crazy from the get-go, I begged everyone for a horse. Finally, at age 10, my parents bought me a pony deviously named Rebel. He didn’t deter me, and two years later, I was racing like the wind doing gaming events on an honest horse. From there, performance events, both Western and English, became my interest. After a few years, I was training and showing for others, as well as instructing. From age 25 to 50 I enjoyed a successful judging career. 4-H, open, and Foundation Quarter Horse shows were my favorites.
Have you won any special awards or recognition?
I competed in open, paint, and Quarter Horse shows and won many statewide championships. My horse-showing experiences were valuable as they made me a more capable judge. I knew the rules inside and out, knew what I liked in a good judge, and recognized quality results from quality training. Because of this background, I was chosen to speak at various judges’ training clinics and helped rewrite and update horseshow judging manuals.
Describe what sets your business apart from the competition?
Perrydale Trails— there’s no place like this place! On our 80 acres, riders and horses gain experience and are exposed to 200+ obstacles. They can ride on their own or take lessons. Riders and horses can practice a huge variety of natural and man-made obstacles. 2024 marks our 12th season, and we continue to grow in popularity. Our visitors realize Perrydale Trails is the ultimate destination for training and enjoying their horses, social get-togethers, learning, and camping.
What can clients expect to gain from your product or service?
I feel teaching any horse to safely navigate trail obstacles is one of the most rewarding and bonding activities people can have with their horses. Our obstacles are set up for success. Confidence begins on the easy obstacles, challenge on the tougher ones. Exposing a horse to trail experiences benefits all related activities. Perrydale Trails offers people a chance to build a unique relationship with their horse.
Rebecca Herron/Perrydale Trails LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 503-843-2930
Web: www.perrydaletrails.com
See this article in the September 2024 Online Digital Edition:
September 2024

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.