The Northwest Horse Fair & Expo has just that opportunity for you. Many of our clinicians need participants for their clinics March 18, 19 & 20, 2016 at the Linn County Fair & Expo Center in Albany, Oregon. See below the opportunities that exist with each clinician.
Follow this link for an application. Applications due by February 1, 2016.
Pat Parelli – Riders/Handlers can be either English or Western – intermediate level at the minimum. Riders & Handlers must be confident with their horse, can walk, trot and canter in front of a crowd. The Horse can have behavior issues as long as the rider/handler is confident handling the horse in question. Helmets strongly encouraged.
- Friday – Clinic on “Horses are from Mars, Humans are from Venus” – Pat will help you understand more about prey animal nature and how humans and horses can build a common language to be better partners for each other. NEED: 1 participant – problem horse, can be a ground or riding issue
- Friday – “How Smart is Your Horse?” – Learn how to read your horse and bring out the best in him by using Love, Language, and Leadership to create a partner that is lighter, calmer, braver and more athletic. NEED: 1 participant working towards advancing their skills for the show ring or a specific sport
- Saturday – “It’s Not About the Issues” – Horse behavior challenges are just symptoms of a larger issue…. Pat will coach you on how a strong basic communication can solve any common issues. NEED: 1 participant with any sort of “issue” Can be trailer loading, standing for hoof care, clipping, saddling, pulling back, etc..
- Saturday – “Look Mom… No Hands! Revealing the Secrets of Bridleless Riding” – Learn how to read your horse and bring out the best in him by using Love, Language, and Leadership to create a partner that is lighter, calmer, braver and more athletic. These are the simple steps to creating a safe ride – so you could eventually take the bridle off if you wanted to! NEED: 1 participant – confident rider with a safe horse.
- We will use 4 riders each day. 2 riders will be used every day, and then 2 different riders will be added each day. Horses can be of any breed. Riders participating every day should have a show background. Riders participating on a single day do not need a show background. Single day applicants, please indicate the day of most interest to you. (Participants will need a rope halter, 12’ or 14’ lead rope and wraps for all 4 legs.)
- Friday: “The Mind of the Horse – Instinct and How it Factors into How the Horse Approaches the Obstacles of Mountain Trail”
- Saturday: “The Horses View – Viewing Obstacles From the Horse’s Perspective and How to Use Their Instinct to Your Advantage”
- Sunday: “Worthy of Leadership? How to Use the Horse’s Instinct to Lock the Horse Into a Commitment of Mastering the Obstacles”
Charles Wilhelm “The Making of a Super Horse”
- Need 4-5 intermediate to advanced level participants, any discipline and any breed who will ride each day and progress through the sessions. ** Please note – we will not be selecting participants in the Ultimate Super Horse Challenge to ride in these clinics to avoid the perception of having an unfair advantage by riding in a clinic prior to competition.
Heidi McLaughlin – These riders should have generally well trained horses – no ‘green’ horses or horses who are inexperienced in an arena.
- Friday – “How to Overcome Fear in the Saddle” – NEED: 1 participant with a general fear in the saddle
- Saturday – “Do Your Fear Your Horse’s Spook?” – NEED: 1 participant that fears their horse spooking – in the arena, on the trail, anywhere
- Sunday – “Overcome Your Fear of Cantering” – NEED: 1 participant who is afraid to canter
Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls – if you are interested in beginning or improving your trick riding skills for you and your horse these are the clinics for you!
- Friday – “The 7 Steps to Start & Maintain Trick Riding Horses” – NEED: 1-2 horses
- Saturday – “Fundamental Western Performance Basics: Developing a Rider into an Equestrian Athlete” NEED: up to 4 people interested in either learning the basics of trick riding and/or building on their skills. (You will use the highly trained Riata Ranch horses, not your own.)
Kristina Harrison – Dressage clinics – the Oregon Dressage Society will coordinate rider selection. Please watch for a separate application with requirements to be posted on our website.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.