Parker, Colorado – The Western Dressage Association® of America is pleased to announce many 2016 World Championship show details have been finalized. The show will be held September 29 – October 2 at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. The 2016 slate of judges includes Doreen Horsey, Heinrich Jeibmann, Sue Hughes, and Cindy Butler. Our United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) steward will be Bill Eash. The show has been approved by USEF and recognized by WDAA, and the official prize list is now available on Complete information regarding all WDAA programs is available at
The 2016 WDAA World Championship Show will offer a number of improvements in format and services, including expanded prizes, an additional day of competition, exhibitor parties, and additional show classes and divisions, such as walk-jog rail and para-equestrian classes.
In addition to class awards and a single division champion prize, the top 10 division placings will receive beautiful rosettes, with prizes awarded to champion and reserve. More than 20 breed and division high points have also been added. Two $250 winner-take-all freestyle stakes are scheduled.
The WDAA World Championship Show will feature four days of competition, with one day of rail classes and three days of western dressage tests. The focus of the show will not only be on top competition but on a shared celebration of this special discipline. Come prepared to have a wonderful time with old friends and new. Start your day at the show office with coffee and doughnuts. Party planning is under way with special attention on the Saturday night gala and silent auction.
The Lazy E offers a unique venue for a competition in a lovely rural setting. WDAA will offer expanded competitor services, including a photographer, awards ceremonies, live internet broadcast of all four arenas, golf cart rental, on-site RV Park, extended-stay stabling, and more.
Watch for a WDAA survey of members to let us know what you want at your World Championship Show. The WDAA board is committed to offering a world show reflective of the priorities of its members. Please take a minute to complete that survey when you receive it.
Western Dressage Association® of America is devoted to building an equine community that combines the Western traditions of horse and rider with Classical Dressage. We honor the horse. We value the partnership between horse and rider. We celebrate the legacy of the American West. Won’t you come and celebrate with us?
About the Western Dressage Association® of America: The Western Dressage Association® of America is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization focused on providing a model of horsemanship which optimizes the partnership of horse and rider for their mutual benefit. The mission of the Western Dressage Association® is “to honor the horse, to value the partnership between horse and rider and to celebrate the legacy of the American West” which it focuses on through its offerings of educational opportunities and events to the equestrian community. Please visit our website at for more information.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.