Wellington, FL (April 2, 2019) – Each year, from November to April, the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington, Florida is transformed into its own world of beautifully decorated barns and well organized tack rooms during the Winter Equestrian Festival. Whether they are amateur or professional, the world class equestrians and their horses from around the globe must literally ‘move in’ to compete in this prestigious series, and create a home away from home during their stay. Vita Flex, a top manufacturer of veterinary-developed supplements for competitive horses, understands how important this aspect is to ensure that horses and riders can perform at their best. That’s why the company is proud to present the Vita Flex Tack Room Award to the barns and equestrians who show exceptional attention to detail and organization in their tack rooms.

“We’re very fortunate to have nice horses, and with being here for so long, I just think it’s something everyone deserves,” says professional Brian Brown about the beautifully decorated barn of Sea Change Farm. “We spend more time here than we do at home, so why not be comfortable?” he adds. Sea Change Farm has been coming to WEF from Oak Creek, WI for 20 years, so creating their decked-out home away from home is standard practice for the team. This is why Vita Flex selected Sea Change Farm as a recipient of the Tack Room Award for the second year in a row. Brown explains that it couldn’t be done without everyone’s involvement, including his main riders, Maria Rasmussen, Sydney Hamel, and Ashley Vogel. “There is no ‘I’ in team,” he continues, “Everybody we have, we couldn’t do without, including the dogs. They’re our support team! We thank Vita Flex and we appreciate it because most importantly, you gotta have fun!

The fun and friendly competition of the Tack Room Award runs across the board and is extended to amateurs and professionals alike. This is one way Vita Flex clearly levels the playing field of support for everyone at WEF. Going head to head against the professionals of Sea Change, for example, was Amateur Owner Sarah Goose of Shady Side Stables. In from Concord, Massachusetts, Goose has been coming down to Florida for the winter season since 1991. This year Shady Side brought 12 horses down, but not all of them compete. “I’m an amateur owner, and a lot of my horses are retired because I keep them forever,” Goose smiles, “My 30 year old pony is down here with me too!” Shady Side’s barn is beautifully landscaped with bright, blooming flowers and a welcoming, well organized tack room. “This is such a wonderful show, and you really have to appreciate everything,” Goose explains, “So, when you put a nice tack room together, it shows your appreciation for the show and all the hard work people do.” Vita Flex was impressed with this dedication and attention to detail, and was happy to present the Tack Room Award to Shady Side. “Thank you so much! This is very exciting,” Goose said when she received the award which included a generous bucket of Vita Flex products and a lavish commemorative red and white ribbon to add to their decor. “Just look at that beautiful award I got, and look at these wonderful products!” she exclaimed. Goose was particularly happy to see that Lactanase™ was in the bucket. “I’ve used Lactanase after a stressful performance because it really helps the horses,” she added.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.