Wellington, FL (February 14, 2019) – Valentine’s Day 2019 is extra sweet this year for Ashley Holzer and her beloved 9-year-old mare named Valentine after a heartfelt victory during Week 5 of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, FL. Winning the CDI3* Intermediate 1 Freestyle with a score of 79.917, the pair showed everyone what it takes to cross the fine line between a good and great performance. “She is a show horse and she loves it!” Holzer says about the horse who was a Valentine’s Day gift from her husband 5 years ago. Winning the blue ribbon also meant winning the Vita Flex Victory Pass Award for the team. For their exceptional ride, Vita Flex, a top manufacturer of veterinary-developed supplements for competitive horses, was proud to honor the pair with a red-and-white neck sash and a bucket filled with Vita Flex® products such as Lactanase®, Equinyl™ Combo, Acculytes™ Electrolyte, and Vita Flex® Pure C.

Holzer reflects that she saw Valentine for the first time in Denmark when Valentine was only three years old. Holzer was reluctant to get involved with such a young horse, and she had no choice but to accept Valentine as a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift from her husband less than a year later after the mare turned four. They changed her name to Valentine as a reminder of such a special time. It has been a love fest for the two ever since, albeit not without its challenges. “She was amazing when she was young,” Holzer describes, “and then she went through some teenage years. But now, she has turned a corner,” Holzer continues. “She’s a very sensible, honest mare. She’s just smart and we are very close,” she adds.
Holzer says she is excited about winning the Victory Pass Award. “A student of mine loves Lactanase and she just swears by it,” she explains. Lactanase®performance supplement is one of the many Vita Flex® products included in the Victory Pass award bucket. Given to a horse the night before a show or work out, it helps support optimal muscle function. Holzer is grateful that Vita Flex ‘feels the love’ for her and Valentine, and she’s looking forward to trying out all the products.
Holzer is also excited to now be residing in Wellington full time. “It’s always been my dream to live here,” she describes, “We’re so fortunate to have these amazing facilities. I love Wellington. I’m very happy to be here!” she adds. Holzer goes on to say that her goal is to take Valentine to Europe this summer. She is also working on getting her other horses ready for Tokyo, as well as preparing several of her students for the Pan Am games. Vita Flex is dedicated to helping aspiring riders and professionals like Holzer and her students cross the fine line between good and great performances by developing some of the best supplements available for performance horses. Trusted by top owners, trainers, and riders for over 20 years, Vita Flex’s premier line of products includes performance supplements, antioxidants, electrolytes, topical solutions, vitamins, and minerals to help keep equine competitors in peak health. For more information about Vita Flex, go to www.vitaflex.com or call (800) 848–2359.

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