Is returning with THE SPIRIT OF THE HORSE to the Northwest for the 25rd Year!
Welcome everyone!! Twenty-seven years ago a friend told us about a wonderful and new facility in Albany, Oregon and we should go there to organize a NW horse fair. So twenty – six years ago (1999) the first event was held.
This year Mike Major, two time winner of the Road To The Horse is bringing his knowledge and talent on Horsemanship! Robert Eversole, TrailMeister, will fill the Conference room with his Trail Knowledge. He will also be offering to sixteen persons a three hour class each day on building your own mohair cinch. (These persons will come from persons who completed and paid the application fee.) Jessica Wisdom, Dressage, is offering clinics that are not only exciting to watch, but there is much to learn. Abby Carbaugh will be introducing LaGarrocha and tips for Liberty classes. Shelby Ketcham will be sharing her knowledge of many unique horsemanship lessons. Peggy Cummings, is bringing back her Connected Riding clinics, to both the arena and the Conference Room. Back Country Horsemen of Oregon will assist you in learning the latest in backpacking into those beautiful parks, forests and National lands. You will also learn about leaving your lands as pristine as you found them. This group will also be doing their demonstrations on log sawing. Fun to watch and participate.
New and exciting Breeds will be shown during the Breed Demonstration slots. Stallions showing off their styles will be there as well. New and exciting Special demonstrations by BlackPearl Friesians Dance Troupe and the Mane Attraction Drill Team. There also will be a youth Drill Team, Legacies, joining us this year. Ridgeline Mounted Archers will show off their talents to delight all. Endo the Blind will be returning this year with his amazing abilities.
The Conference Room will be offering a very wide range of topics being delivered by Veterinarians, Farriers, Trainers, and Knowledgeable Speakers on ways to keep your equine friends safe and healthy. You can learn more right here in the Conference room. These speakers are featured in the program this year with photos and bios. Always new and exciting information to be found though the knowledge they so kindly share.
Returning again is the KID ZONE! Here is where young persons can wind down a little with activities and fun opportunities. Next to the KID ZONE there will be THE ROUND PEN! An area where you can see up close, a short demonstration on anything from fitting a bit correctly to dressing up you and the horse for a photo op! Cowboy Poets with stories to delight everyone. Something different during the day and each day! Sponsors are the champions of every event and please Thank them all as they are a large part of who keep this event here for you – the Equine Industry of the Northwest!!
Within all this are our awesome and varied vendors. IF it is equine and you need or want it surely it is offered here! And do not forget our magical sponsors – Akins Trailer Sales, Beelart Embroidery, The North West Horse Source, Phoenix Inns and Suites, KMTR, KEZI, Albany Visitors Association – we would not be able to continue without all of you!
See you in March,
The Entire Staff of the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2025

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.