Message from Idaho Horse Expo 3/17: “Unfortunately we have just received news that the expo is indeed cancelled at this point. We are currently gathering all the information we need so we can pass it on to everyone. Stay tuned.”
The 34th annual Idaho Horse Expo will be held April 10-12, 2020 at the Ford Idaho Horse Park in Nampa, Idaho

If you are a horse lover of any age, you can’t miss this event. The Expo features internationally known clinicians as well as local clinicians and trainers.
The featured clinicians are Josh Lyons of Lyons Legacy Horsemanship and Julien Beaugnon from Virginia, who is conducting a 2 day clinic on liberty training. Julien is a past trainer for Cavalla. He brings many years of training liberty and trick horse acts.
Idaho Horse Expo will also feature many local clinicians presenting in-hand training, ground training, Western Dressage, Ranch Roping, Colt Starting, Jumping, Classical Dressage, etc.
Featured events will be the Breed Showcase where 10 breeds of horses will compete with a freestyle routine and the winners will be determined by the audience in a People’s Choice voting. This will be held Friday evening.
Saturday evening will be the Saturday Night Gala celebrating Idaho Horses and riders in music routines and skits. See dancing horses and some of the finest horses in the state.

Each day will end with the Colt Starting Competition between trainers and unbroken colts. Listen to how each trainer works with his colt and cheer on your favorite trainer or colt!!
There will be over a 100 vendors, so you can shop to your heart’s content. Meet Miss Rodeo Idaho, Nicole Jordan and many other queens from rodeo courts throughout the region.
For those who want to better their horsemanship, we have five clinics over the three days to do just that. There will be an Equine Kindergarten Clinic, negotiating trail obstacles, Relational Riding, with emphasis on Western Dressage, Ranch Roping techniques and basic horsemanship, training for the unexpected trail obstacles, as well as basic horsemanship and having fun with your horse.
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale is back!! Great place to sell or buy a horse where the seller and buyer do the bartering and you can try before you buy.

Kids Activities are always a hit and this year we have Breyer Horse painting with a model horse show to follow each day. Stick Horse Activities and races. An Easter Pony Hunt on Sunday too!! Many more activities for youngsters and remember Kids 12 and under get in FREE!!!
As for more competitions, an ETS (Equine Trail Sports) competition will be held on Saturday and a Pony Express Race on Sunday.
We have seminars from some of the best presenters and are featuring Bob Long, winner of the 625 mile Mongolian Horse Race. His two hour lecture will be Friday afternoon.
A Special Horseback Easter Service will be held Sunday morning with a non-denominational cowboy service!! Hope to see you there!!! For more information about the Idaho Horse Expo, contact Idaho Horse Council at 208-465-5477 or [email protected]

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.