Trainer’s Corner: My Journey with “Journey” the Mustang – Part 4

Matt and Journey the Mustang. Photo Courtesy Alayne Blickle.

Competition Day and Beyond At the end of our last article, I’d been out of town judging shows and wishing I had more time to prepare my mustang, Journey, for the upcoming Mustang Mania Trainers Challenge (see the July/August issue). These mustang competitions demand a solid, trusting relationship between horse …

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Trainer’s Corner: My journey with “Journey” the Mustang – Part 3

Matt and Journey the Mustang. Photo Courtesy Alayne Blickle

Competitions and Opportunities Highlight Mustangs’ Qualities At the end of the last article, I’d finally saddled Journey, my formerly wild mustang who I was preparing for a 90-day competition, with a full-sized saddle after starting him with a kid’s saddle. Then life happened, and I had to be gone for …

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⚠️Warning: Graphic Content⚠️ Stallion Suffers Horrific Injury Escaping from Trap at Gov’t Wild Horse Roundup

Death toll rises to five as two more foals also die after helicopter chase in summer heat Additional Deaths Background About the American Wild Horse Campaign The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is the nation’s leading wild horse protection organization, with more than 700,000 supporters and followers nationwide. AWHC is …

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Mustang Champions Introduces Two New National Mustang Championship Competitions

Bobby Kerr I Mustang trainer extraordinaire, competitor and enthusiast. 3X PRCA Specialty Act of the Year. Photo by Ronda Gregorio.

Mustang Champions, a new partner with the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Program, officially introduces two new mustang competitions: Mustang Classic and Mustang Challenge. The two new competitions are the first of their kind. Mustang Classic is a never-before English discipline competition scheduled for September 13-15, 2024 …

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Trainer’s Corner: My Journey with “Journey” the Mustang – Part 2

Journey on Arrival. Photo Courtesy Matt Livengood

From BLM Holding to Accepting a Saddle In my first article in this series, I introduced you to Journey, my 4-year-old (formerly) wild mustang. I chose him by looking through photos of available mustangs for a 90-day mustang competition where competitors gentle and then ride wild horses. I brought Journey …

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Trainer’s Corner: My Journey with “Journey” the Mustang – Part 1

Matt and Journey. Photo courtesy Matt Livengood.

What is a Mustang? Mustangs are the wild horses of the American West. When most people think of wild horses, they think of stallions rearing and fighting with a band of mares and foals watching intently. Or maybe they think mustangs are a thing of the past—those great herds of …

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September/October Cover Story: Meet Remington – Mustang Ambassador

Story and Photos provided by the Mustang Heritage Foundation

‘Remi’ Caught the Eye of One Trainer and the Hearts of His Fans Born on the range in 2015, Remington (Remi) hails from the well-known Salt Wells Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) in southern Wyoming. His sire, Cheveyo, was a highly photographed black, curly stallion who passed away on the …

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Mustang Discovery Ride – Event held 8/5/22

Mustang Discover Ride – Event held 8/5/22
Photo Courtesy Karen Pickering, NWHS/COHS

Meet the Mustang Event hosted by Jeff & Teri Hall in Castlerock CO Lisanne Fear is a determined woman riding to create awareness of the Mustang. She is riding 5000 miles with the goal of helping to get 5000 Mustangs Adopted that are living in holding pens at various BLM …

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Virtual Extreme Mustang Makeover Adoption Begins July 27th

Virtual Extreme Mustang Makeover
Image Courtesy Mustang Heritage Foundation

Round Rock, Texas – Opening July 27, 2022, horses competing in the Adult Division of the Virtual Extreme Mustang Makeover will be available for competitive bid adoption online. For the last 100 days, dedicated trainers from around the USA have been working diligently to take untouched, wild horses and prepare …

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