Mountain trail makes its debut on RFD-TV
We will be filming for RFD-TV this month and the episodes will air between November and December 2016 and spring of 2017. This is the first time Mountain Trail will be viewed by millions! Anyone interested in holding a mountain trail challenge sanctioned by the IMTCA should contact Lee Bolender 360-269-6156
2016 Season in full swing.
May 1st, 2016 saw Wild Horse Mountain Farms Inc., of Sherwood Oregon, host the 2nd phase of the six part IMTCA Buckles Series, “Extreme & Mountain Trail Competition. From 7 year old kids to 70 year old grandmas, all enjoyed an extremely successful and fun day of competition and learning in “The Park”. Even though the competition was challenging, everyone went home with a ribbon. On July 10th, the IMTCA Buckle Series will be back to Wild Horse Mountain Farms to host the 4th phase of this new and very exciting series. Join us and learn about what “Extreme & Mountain Trail Challenges” are all about. Auditors are welcome and free to enjoy the day. Check out our Facebook page at Wild Horse Mountain Farms .
Mark and Lee Bolender – IMTCA
9 Basic Skills for Mountain trail
Master these Basic Skills to Improve Safety and Scores
by Mark Bolender
The best mountain trail horses are bold, confident and can think their way through an obstacle.
To improve their mountain trail scores it’s important to master nine basic skills. These skills can also be returned to, again and again, to master the variety of obstacles found on course.
Current results! You can see results from the April, May & June Buckle Series Challenges here.
Follow facebook pages the IMTCA & IMTCA Canada for more news and events.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.