Stonewater Mustangs Wild Hearts Ministry

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Fundraising Begins for Mustangs and Youth

By Stonewater Staff


Photo credit Stonewater Ranch


Stonewater Mustangs Wild Hearts is a ministry of Youth Dynamics operating at Stonewater Ranch in Leavenworth, WA that needs your help introducing a new concept of horse adventure and youth outreach ministry. It’s our mission to build an all mustang herd of trail horses while sharing Christ with Northwest teens.

In order to bring Bureau of Land Management (BLM) mustangs to the ranch, Stonewater Mustangs must raise $30,000 in starting capital for BLM approved facility renovations and mustang adoption and care expenses.

Mustangs’ instincts require those working with them to earn a place of respect, partnership, and trust. The parallels of how a trainer approaches a wild horse and how God approaches us are infinite. By being given a purpose and a choice, mustangs can become the mirror through which humans see their own relationship with Christ.

We have an opportunity to help troubled youth and mustangs. They ask the same questions––does anyone really care? What is my purpose? How do I keep myself safe? Where do I belong? Youth Dynamics desires to help youth answer these questions through horse adventure ministries.

To find out more about Stonewater Mustangs and how you can be a part of this adventure, visit


Published September 2018 Issue

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