BELLINGHAM, Wash., (November, 2016) Animals as Natural Therapy (ANT) welcomes you to join our journey in the Tractor Campaign fundraising event taking place now through December 15th on Animals as Natural Therapy is a Northwest Washington 501©3 non-profit focused on strengthening the community by developing resilient individuals through animal-assisted learning. Since 1997 ANT has transformed the lives of thousands of youth, veterans and families from around the state. Last year, ANT facilitated animal-assisted learning for over 200 elders, six veterans and more than 400 youth referred by schools and social service agencies.

Animals as Natural Therapy is requesting funds towards paying off the purchase of a New Holland Workmaster 35hp tractor for use in facility maintenance in support of ANTs ongoing programs. Furthermore, this tractor allow ANT to more effectively manage animal wastes at the facility and continue to transform these wastes into high quality compost that directly benefits local individuals, 4000 students in schools and community gardens.
ANT utilizes our horses, smaller animals and gardens as stepping stones to change lives and create a vibrant, stronger community. ANT is part of a network of both economic opportunities and food security for veterans, entrepreneurial small farmers and school garden projects.
The Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation Grant contributed $5,000 dollars towards the $21,000 cost of this new equipment. In addition, $3,500 came from the Chuckanut Health Foundation and $6,000 from wonderful community supporters.
“We are now asking you to help raise the final $6500 needed for the tractor. This helps to free funds for our programming. Our hope is to raise awareness about how our programs serve youth-at-risk and veterans in ways that change their lives.” –Assistant Executive Director, Julia Clifford.
For further information about our Tractor Campaign, visit, or call (360) 671-3509.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.