Spring time in Kittitas County finds the elk herds leaving their winter feeding grounds, early spring flowers in full bloom and the annual Back Country Horsemen of Washington Joe Watt Canyon Prize Ride. This year the ride will be May 14th, with camping available both before and after the ride – a Discover Pass is required for this area. This beautiful, popular ride travels the foot hills of the LT Murray elk feeding station, giving vast mountain views and rolling hills of wild flowers in bloom. Riders will enjoy lots of single track trail mixed with abandoned roads for 3 hours of riding. Mixed in along the ride route are manned stations offering games of skill to the participants so that they may hopefully build a winning poker hand good enough to win one of the many prizes being offered back at camp.
This year’s ride proceeds will go to help fund BCHW Tahoma Chapter to complete trail projects in the Norse Peak Wilderness. The ride flier with all the information is posted at www.bchw.org and on Facebook at BCHW Joe Watt Canyon Prize Ride.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.