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Haygain Sales to Support World Horse Welfare through December

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Nov. 7, 2022. Lambourn, England – Haygain is proud to announce the contribution of 2% of all sales to World Horse Welfare, from Dec. 6 – Dec. 31, 2022.  The contributions will come from the sales of Haygain’s High Temperature Hay Steamers, Forager Slow Feeders, ComfortStall Sealed Orthopedic Flooring and accessories during that period.

Haygain is delighted to support World Horse Welfare. “We greatly admire the work World Horse Welfare does for individual horses at their four facilities in the UK, for horses throughout the world and in promoting responsible horse-human partnerships in all types of equestrian activities,” notes Haygain Ltd CEO Edzo Wisman. “World Horse Welfare’s mission is very close to our heart.”

About World Horse Welfare

Headquartered in the U.K., World Horse Welfare is a charity that works to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human partnership in all of its guises. Its vision is a world where every horse is treated with respect, compassion and understanding. Pragmatism and compassion guide the non-profit association’s international work. Its efforts involve horses, owners, communities, organizations, and governments to help improve welfare standards and stamp out equine suffering the in the UK and worldwide.

World Horse Welfare describes its work in this way:

“We help horses, and we help people to help horses.  We believe that this is the best way to strengthen and improve the horse-human partnership.”

“We help all kinds of horses, no matter what role they play in society. We can categorize most of the horses we help as horses in need, sport and leisure horses and work and production horses.”

“We work with owners, communities, organization, governments and institutions to identify and share good practice, and improve welfare policies, standards and legislation.”

“We use a combination of care, research, education and influence in our work. Our work caring directly for horses helps to inform our research, and we use this evidence to both educate and influence.”

About Haygain

World Horse Welfare’s mission aligns with Haygain’s goal of helping owners help their horses, notes Wisman. “Our equipment addresses the health challenges of modern horse management, and we support and promote research that empowers owners to improve the health, well-being and performance of their horses.”

Haygain’s High Temperature Hay Steamers are the only scientifically proven method of significantly reducing respirable irritants commonly found in forage to support respiratory health. Haygain steamers accomplish this without depleting nutrients, and the steaming process adds moisture to the hay while increasing palatability.

The Forager Slow Feeder extends horses’ mealtimes to ensure small quantities of forage move through the digestive system for long periods, as nature intended. It allows the horse to eat with its head in a natural, lowered position and greatly reduces hay waste.

ComfortStall Sealed Orthopedic Flooring provides comfort for joint support, deep rest and sleep. Built-in cushion reduces the need for bedding to only that required to absorb urine. The durable rubber, single-piece top cover prevents urine seepage and accumulation of harmful ammonia odors. Less bedding equals better barn air quality and reduced material and labor costs.

Haygain is honored to close out a remarkable year of growth and expansion by supporting World Horse Welfare and its wonderful work.

For more on World Horse Welfare, visit www.worldhorsewelfare.org.

For more on Haygain, visit www.haygain.us

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