BCHA wishes you and your family a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
#GivingTrailsDay is right around the corner!
How can you help?
Donate when lines open up on Giving TrailsDay! Facebook’s match for Giving TrailsDay begins at 8:00 AM Eastern Time (5:00 AM Pacific Time) on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Donations are matched dollar for dollar on a first-come, first-serve basis until the match is met. You can also create a Facebook fundraiser and share it with your friends on #GivingTrailsDay. Creating a fundraiser is easy and we welcome fundraisers with any goal amount.
Where will the money raised go?
All funds benefit BCHA, keeping trails open nationwide for you! BCHA is vested in its committees, its public lands advocacy, Leave No Trace education and so much more. Every dollar raised keeps us working to ensure our public lands remain open to recreational pack and saddle stock. Visit our Facebook page for more information.
Why donate? So we can continue supporting projects such as this one recounted below by Noel Poe and High Desert BCH, Kanab, UT:
Greenhalgh Trail (pronounced Green-hoff)
Back in the late 1800s and into the early 1900s, there were a few wagon ruts to travel, but trails using a “cow pony” were the way to get around in Southern Utah. The High Desert Back Country Horsemen have been working with the Kanab Trail Committee for 10 years to improve these historic cowboy trails for today’s recreationists. Construction on the Greenhalgh Trail started in Spring 2018 by “American Conservation Experience” Conservation Corps and finished in June.
This trail was the mail route between Kanab and Springdale and was a several mile, difficult horseback ride from Kanab to the Shunesburg Cliff where the outgoing mail bag was lowered 100 feet down a cliff to the mailman. The rope was pulled back up and the incoming bag returned to Kanab. The Greenhalgh family that emigrated from England also used this trail to run cattle above and west of Trail Canyon. The two sons, Harry and Wilford took the ranch over after their father died and continued the operation from the 1940s into the 1960s. They are buried in Kanab Cemetery. On November 2nd the Kanab Trail Committee and trail users will honor the old mail route and Greenhalgh pioneer family with a ribbon cutting ceremony that will be televised on local channels by ABC affiliate KTVX.

Thank you for your support!
BCHA Fundraising

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.