From My Saddle: Education is Ongoing

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American Horse Publications Conference Proves Fruitful

I believe education is an ongoing process throughout our lives. The old cliché, “The older I get the less I know,” is certainly a true statement for me. Technology is changing so fast we don’t have time to download a software update before another one is there waiting. How we consume information is changing rapidly as well. More and more we are inseparable from our phones. We are plugged in and in front of a screen of some sort most of the time. Honestly, I think that saps our energy.

As the world of publishing changes, I find I’m busier now than ever. There is more online stimulation with social media and video. I sometimes long for simpler times, however, The Northwest Horse Source must change and grow, or we’ll disappear. 

One thing that hasn’t changed is how we interact with our horses. I envy the lives of our horses. They have simple needs and aim to please us most of the time. Feed them, give them water and shelter, and they’re happy. Life seems simple for them. Perhaps we should wind down a little more often. 

I recently returned from the American Horse Publications Conference in Lexington, Kentucky. I haven’t been for nearly 7 years, and it was time for a return. My husband Mark and I drove the 2500-mile round trip since flights have gotten crazy expensive. We enjoyed seeing six different states on the journey, and the conference was amazing. It’s always great to see old friends (and make new ones) in this industry. 

The highlight of the trip was a short visit to the Kentucky Horse Park on our way home. What an amazing facility. I loved seeing Man O’ War’s memorial as well as Secretariat’s. Remarkably, this park is still a working horse farm along with being a resource for education and promotion of the racing industry. And Kentucky is beautiful. The lush green grass and foliage is much different than our new home in Colorado. 

It felt good to be back in the action and “out in the world” after our move from Washington. While I do miss all my friends in Washington, I’m only a click away, which is one of the good things about technology. I’m making new friends in Colorado and looking forward to getting connected no matter where I go.

Enjoy the beautiful Northwest weather! 

Quote: “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.”– Oprah Winfrey

See this article in the July/August 2022 online edition:

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