Creed, Part One – The Gentle Giant Mustang

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Article by Tracey Hamilton

Creed arrived at Stonewater in November of 2019 with some gentling already done. He was part of the August 2018 emergency gathering from Stinking Water HMA (Herd Management Area) in Oregon. There were 10 Mustangs captured because they were trespassing on a rancher’s land.

As a coming 3-year-old, he was tall and gangly and quite skeptical of his new surroundings. Everything startled him including opening the top of his stall door. No matter my verbal announcement and slow opening, he’d back as quickly as he could into the paddock. It took time to gain his trust but within weeks he would approach me when I entered his stall and allow me to stroke his neck and shoulder.

By January we were able to halter him and walk him from the paddock to the arena. This graduated into full body grooming, which made for great bonding. He also got a paddock buddy, an 18-year-old Mustang who became his instant friend. In the spring they were put in pasture together and they played hard. Creed did most of the running and wise old Gus had the old-timer moves.

Students arrived in the summer for camp and because he’s so inquisitive and truly a gentle giant, he’s a student favorite. He’s come far in his training, which I will share more about next month!

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