Kalispell, Montana to host the largest reining horse show in the Northwest August 10-14, 2022
Montana’s premier reining event, reiners from around the Pacific NW, Canada and the Mountain Region travel to compete for over $45,000 in cash and prizes in this challenging and popular sport.
According to an article in the Daily Interlake: Reining is an equine competition in which riders guide highly trained horses through precise patterns of large and small circles, flying lead changes, spins, rollbacks, sliding stops and other maneuvers that highlight the athleticism of the western horse. Except for spins, all maneuvers are performed at a lope or a full gallop. Riders are required to wear western attire and use a western saddle and tack.
Saturday night is the highlight featuring the Futurity classes, for three-year-olds, and Derby classes, for 4-7 year old horses.
Read the full article HERE
More information on the event: https://nwhorsesource.com/event/big-sky-reining-classic

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