By Lori Lennox

Wanted: People who care about riding their horses and mules on public trails! Numbers matter when Back Country Horsemen of Washington (BCHW) representatives talk with land managers and elected officials about funding and trail access for stock. We need you to join and be one of those numbers to help us continue to be an active participant in the future of trails.
Not everyone can be a trail warrior working all summer long with a saw and building and repairing trails. But all trail riders can help us make a difference just by joining BCHW.
When you become a BCHW member you will:
- Make new like-minded friends
- Find new trails and campgrounds
- Partake in our famous potlucks
- Learn about how to Leave No Trace when riding and camping
- Learn new skills, such as how to set up a highline safely and how to get help in an emergency using modern technology
- Learn traditional skills, like packing and using a cross-cut saw
- Get certified in first aid and as a sawyer
By becoming a member of BCHW you are automatically a member of the Back Country Horsemen of America. There are approximately 14,000 members in 30 states; come and be part of a well-respected and effective nationwide equine trails organization.
The BCHW Mission Statement
- To perpetuate the common-sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s back country and wilderness.
2. To work to ensure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use.
3. To assist the various government and private agencies in their maintenance and management of said resource.
4. To educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise use of the backcountry resource by horsemen and the general public commensurate with our heritage.
5. To foster and encourage the formation of new chapters in the state organization.

Please consider joining Back Country Horsemen of Washington and help us keep trails open for you. Visit and click on the Join link.
Note: you do not have to have your own horse or mule to join—everyone who cares about trails is welcome in BCHW!
Upcoming BCHWActivities and Events:
- BCHW Leadership Training – January 25, 2020 – Kittitas Valley Event Center, Ellensburg, WA
- Rendezvous – March 20-22, 2020 – Kittitas Valley Event Center, Ellensburg, WA
- More BCHW sponsored events are listed at org/lnt/main/upcoming events.htm
Back Country Horsemen of Washington is dedicated to keeping trails open for all users, educating stock users in Leave-No-Trace practices, and providing volunteer service to resource agencies. To learn more about BCHW and to join, go to Keep up with BCHW and issues and events we are following on our state Facebook page

Back Country Horsemen of Washington (BCHW), is a 501 (c) (3) organization with 32 chapters across the state dedicated to: keeping trails open for all users; educating horse users in Leave-No-Trace practices; and providing volunteer service to resource agencies.