How to Find and Own the Circle – Try to Try, Part 4

Photo by Cara Crain

Over the last few months we’ve discussed training your horse in a way that encourages him to “try to try”. We want to train in a way that influences your horse to choose the thinking part of the brain rather than the reactive part when faced with everyday decisions. At …

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Mind Games – Create a Horse Who Thinks and Looks for Direction

The key to getting in sync with your horse’s mind is to resist the human instinct to stop when faced with something unexpected. Photo by Cara Crain

In this article, we discuss how you can influence your horse to choose the thinking part of the brain rather than the reactive part when faced with everyday decisions. The mind of the horse is very powerful and is a key component in creating an all-round partner. In our previous …

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Try to Try vs. Try to Quit Part 2 – Teach Your Horse to Load in the Trailer Easily

Photo from Steve Rother

Our previous article focused on teaching your horse to “try to try” rather than “try to quit”. In this article we will take a focused look on using this idea to train trailer loading. We’ve all had (or known someone who had) a horse that couldn’t be loaded into a …

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Try to Try versus Try to Quit – Set Your Horse Up to Find the Correct Answer

Try to Try. Photo by Cara Crain

When teaching your horse to try to try, it’s important to make a plan. One example would be inside versus outside the trailer, with the correct option being inside the trailer and the wrong option being outside the trailer. I want the horse to find the answer, so I set …

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Ask the Expert: Groundwork Tips for Unridable Pony

Q: A little background info before my question. I have recently started looking after a small welsh mix pony a few days a week. He is really sweet and I love him to pieces but would love to be able to do more with him. He is about 10hh (so …

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Ask the Expert: Speed Control at the Canter

Q: How can I teach my horse to stay at a constant canter so he doesn’t speed up or slow down when I don’t have the reins? ~  Julia   A: Hi Julia, That is a great question.  The most important part of this is to teach your horse to …

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Ask the Expert: Horse Has Too Much Go on the Trail

Q: I have a mare that has a lot more go than anything else. After riding for 30 or so minutes, she calms down some, but is still a fast walker. When going through trails, she doesn’t slow down to take the time to take the best path. I don’t …

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