Control Your Hands

January 2018

The Three Rein Actions by Shelbie Fredenhagen   “The hands are the measure of a man’s intelligence.” – Maria Montessori Your hands are the most important aid you have. Because you are directly in contact with the most sensitive part of your horse, the mouth, it is paramount that you …

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December 2017

Find Your Body, Find Your Horse by Shelbie Fredenhagen   proprioception pro·pri·o·cep·tion (prō’prē-ō-sěp’shən) n. The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself. The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary Riding demands that we tie our awareness into our horse and ourselves. Riding is all about expanding …

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Control Your Body, Control Your Horse

November 2017

3 Body-Awareness Exercises by Shelbie Fredenhagen   “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental state.” Carol Welch The first step to an effective leg while riding is to create body awareness and relaxed control. Without this, we either consciously or subconsciously block and hold …

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The Quest for Beautiful Carriage

Educated Hands and the Action of the Bit by Shelbie Fredenhagen   The hand is the instrument of all instruments. -Aristotle Working the horse by applying what is known of physics, and the animal’s musculature system, provides the rider with an osteopathic way of working the horse. In this way …

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