Read more about Spokane County’s 4-H Youth Development Program: Who can be in 4-H ? Where is 4-H? Learn about Adventure Camps, Horse Camps, Underwater Robotics/Seaperch Camp, Summer Shotgun Skills Camp and other 4-H General Project Activities…
Who can be in 4-H ?
- All youth in grades K-12
- Adults who are willing to share their time, talents, and treasures with youth in the community in partnership with youth, other volunteers, and 4-H staff.
Where is 4-H?
- Wherever kids are: city, suburbs, country, in neighborhoods, in schools, with the military.
Diversity of Program Opportunities
Cats * Cavies * Clothing & Textiles * Dogs * Equine * Environment-Science-Engineering-Technology
Expressive Arts * Foods & Nutrition * Large Animals * Leadership & Citizenship * Mechanical Sciences
Military Kids Clubs * Pocket Pets * Poultry * Rabbits * Shooting Sports * Sports Fishing
June 2 Underwater Robotics/Seaperch Camp, for 6th grade and up
June 4-Summer Shotgun Skills Camp, orientation and registration
May 16-17 4-H Spring Clinic Mock Horse Show 2015
June 21-27 Happy Trails Camp 2015
July 17-20 South Horse Camp 2015
August 6-9 Working Ranch Horse Camp 2015
4-H HORSE SHOWS (see calendar for entry forms)
May 17 Working Ranch Horse Horsemanship Day Spokane County Fairgrounds
June 12-14, 4-H Horse Show #1
July 10-12, 4-H Horse Show #2
July 31-Aug 2, 4-H Horse Show #3
May 30th 4-H Small Animal Fun Day 2015
See calendar for additional activities!
4-H Pledge
I pledge My Head to Clearer Thinking
My Heart to Greater Loyalty
My Hands to Larger Service
My Health to Better Living
For my Club, my Community,
my Country, and my World.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.