The 10th & FINAL Jack Sims Memorial Charity Prize Ride is on August 2oth at the Les Hilde Trailhead in Hamilton, WA.
We would love to see all of you there!
First rider is out at 10:00, last rider at 1:00. Top and low score each receive a Circle Y saddle!! Prizes galore and a silent auction. Grab and friend and come along.
Address for GPS mapping: 6998 Medford Rd. Hamilton, Wa 98255
Driving South on I-5, take Exit 232 Cook Rd, turn left and continue east about 4.3 miles – turn left at the traffic circle onto Highway 20 (considered Washington St at this point). There are 3 traffic circles to navigate, just follow the highway. Continue approximately 11 miles, past the Highway 9 junction. Take a left onto Cabin Creek Road, a right on Cemetery Road, past Muddy Creek, and left onto Medford Road. Follow Medford up the hill a mile or so to the large parking lot.
If you are driving north, take a right off Cook Rd Exit 232 and follow directions.

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