Learn How a Growing Family Sport Got It’s Start

Technically, mounted shooting has been with us since the beginning of horses and firearms. Being a skilled mounted shooter was an important component of the cavalry, and of course we all remember the old Western movies where good guys and bad guys chased each other at a full gallop while shooting. The sport of today was started by Jim Rodgers, affectionately called, “Mr. CMSA #1.” Jim had an infatuation with the Colt Single Action Army Revolver, and wanted to shoot from horseback. The first organized mounted shooting event was in 1992, with just 3 contestants. In 1994, Jim was the co-founder of the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association, thus CMSA is celebrating its 20th year (full story at www.CowboyMountedShooting.com).
It will be a great year to get involved in this family sport, with contestants as young as 4 and up into their 80’s. Grandparents compete alongside their grandkids, teaching respect for firearms and horses starting at a young age. All shooters start out as a Level 1, even if you’ve never shot before. The new season is just beginning, and there are several mounted shooting clubs in the greater Pacific Northwest. For information on a club near you contact www.CowboyMountedShooting.com. In Western WA, www.WesternWashingtonMountedShooters.com. Or call 425 985-8321 or [email protected].
2014 January-May Local Events:
Jan. 31 – Feb 2, Applegate Trail Peacemakers Winter Shoot #2, Linn County Expo Center, Albany, OR
April 25-27, CMSA Applegate Trail Peacemakers, Winter Shoot #3, Terrebonne, OR
May 9-11, CMSA Columbia Basin Mounted Shooters, Oregon State Championships, Hermiston, OR and Pacific NW Regionals
Published January 2014 Issue
WWMS members vary from kids to adults, and from the recreational shooter to the serious National and World competitor, so there’s a spot for everyone. We are a friendly group, and enjoy introducing the sport to others. Please feel free to contact us at any time, and come join the addiction that is Cowboy Mounted Shooting!!! www.WesternWashingtonMountedShooters.com