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Taking the Northwest Horse Source into the Future

Your Input Helps Us Change With the Times   by Karen Pickering, NWHS Publisher When was the last time you went to a Sears store to shop? After 125 years in business, Sears is closing their doors because they were unwilling, unable, or unprepared to change with the times. Over …

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From My Saddle: Gifts Come in Many Forms

The Joy of Transformation By Karen Pickering   Things are always changing. The way the horse industry has changed over the last 25 years is astonishing. Every business finds that change comes whether we’re ready or not. I have been sharing bits of information here and there about my upcoming …

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From My Saddle: Wellness for Your Horse and You

Find Activities for Every Horse (Even if They Can’t be Ridden) By Karen Pickering   Browsing through some photographs from nearly ten years ago, I found one of my horse April learning how to walk on a balance beam. In the photo, we’re at a clinic at Bolender Horse Park …

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From My Saddle: Learning New Things

Driving is My Next Adventure! By Karen Pickering   A few years ago, I was gifted a beautiful miniature horse named Chloe. She’s a little spitfire—bossing April around and just being a bold little steed. She’s been great to handle, and I’ve kept her exercised by lunging her and going …

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From My Saddle: Reality Check

Are you a Dreamer or Goal Setter? By Karen Pickering   Learning life skills that get you where and what you want is hard work—but it’s fun and rewarding. I encourage all of you to follow your dream by creating tangible goals. I love the saying you can’t get to …

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Moving the Northwest Horse Source Magazine into the Future

We Need Your Input to Change with the Times By Karen Pickering   When was the last time you went to a Sears store to shop? After 125 years in business, Sears is closing their doors because they were not able to change with the times. Over the past few …

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Regroup, Review, and Reset for The New Year

Are We Changing with the Times? By Karen Pickering   I’ve been publishing the Northwest Horse Source for a long time. There’s this elusive goal to be a certain size or have a particular look. I always wanted this magazine to be much like a national magazine but offered free …

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Moments in Time

Life is a Series of Special Moments By Karen Pickering   I can’t believe we’re approaching Christmas already! It’s October 25th as I write this and sitting here wondering what to write about, I looked back at my December editorial from last year. It was about my best friend, T …

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Caring for Our Equine Friends

Is Horse Care More Complicated Today? By Karen Pickering   The topic of equine wellness is on my mind a lot lately. I’m down to two horses—April and my mini, Chloe. It seems my current horses have more health issues than those I owned as a kid. My parents didn’t …

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Wellness is a Relative Term

An Ounce of Prevention can be Priceless by Karen Pickering   It was early 2009 when I received the heartbreaking news that April had navicular disease. She was only 10-years-old and in the prime of her life; a fun to ride, responsive, quick yet kind, and super loving mare. She …

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