How to Help Your Horse Quickly Shed Winter Woollies

Spring is here and days are getting warmer and longer. Our Blazers are shedding their woolly winter coats and some of you may wish to help the process along. If you are not showing your horse there is no wrong or right way to groom. It comes down to personal preference. Here are a few tips for grooming your Blazer.
My personal favorite is shaving the whole horse. That way I get rid of all that fur in one shot. I recommend a quiet clipper that is fast and doesn’t get hot quickly. I use the Andis clipper with a #10 blade. If you want a nice smooth coat you need to go against the way the hair grows. I do not shave the hair inside the ears. I am not showing and it acts as a protection against dirt and bugs. I do however close the ears (vertical) and shave down the outer ear so there is no excess hair protruding past the edge.
Next is a partial shave. That is where I do muzzle, jaw line, legs and bridle path. Basically, use the #10 blade and go against the way the hair grows on those specific areas. I love long thick manes so if I do a bridle path it is only the width of my blade (approximately 2 inches). Last but not least is brushing the excess hair away. I prefer the Furminator. It gets rid of the fur a lot faster than any other tool I have used. Learn more about Blazers at
Photo courtesy of ABHA
Published in the May 2015 Issue

The mission of ABHA is to encourage and support members of the Association, while they raise, exhibit, promote and enjoy the American Blazer Horse. It is also our goal to maintain a history of the Blazer Horse by recording their bloodlines and achievements for the preservation of the breed.