Sox for Horses – An Innovative Idea for an Old Problem

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Sox for HorsesWe’ve all struggled with scurfy problems on our horses, legs, ankles and heels. These issues can be almost impossible to treat and due to the fact that horses’ environments are so hard to keep clean, even under the most diligent care. Fungi and bacteria live and propagate in the mud and dirt around your barn. It is very difficult to prevent this, short of extreme measures. What makes it worse is the flies and biting insects that spread bacterial and fungal infections from horse to horse. Scratches and mud fever are a combination of bacterial and fungal infection that require an owner to keep their horses free of the scabs that harbor the fungus. These open sores are prey to further and continuous infection by flies and other insects.

Silver Whinnys® provide the barrier against biting insects. They offer a clean, cool, breathing environment around the leg. Antimicrobial copper and silver inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold in the socks.

Sunlight exacerbates dermatological issues on the legs. Silver Whinnys® offer two layers of knit that can help to keep direct sunlight from photosensitive skin. Order yours, and check out Sox for Horses other innovative products at


Published October 2016 Issue

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