Seasons of Life

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Activities, Memories and Introspection

by Karen Pickering, NWHS Publisher


April 2017
Dave delivering the Seattle Times from his horse, Dum Dum. Photo courtesy Karen Pickering

As I write this column I am a week away from the first expo in March. The anticipation of seeing my customers, readers, and friends brings me great purpose and excitement. I love catching up with everyone and seeing what new things people are doing. I look forward to making new friends and seeing all the wonderful things the horse world has to offer.

Spring is loaded with opportunities to enjoy our horses. Our event calendar is full of fun-filled weekends. The Northwest has so much to offer horse people. I love watching new flowers peek up through the dirt hoping to soak up a little sunshine.

The first part of this year has been a sad one for me. I lost one of my dearest friends and my oldest brother. Theresa Buck passed away on January 22. She was my first riding instructor and trail companion. We had many great rides together, like the Wagon Train for Washington’s Centennial in 1989. I lost my brother, David Bell, on Valentine’s Day. Born in 1943, he had a passion for life and always enjoyed it to the fullest.

Instead of dwelling on the sadness, I choose to celebrate their lives and remember the good times. I will miss them but always remember the best parts about them. I say this to remind us all to not put things off and to live life to the fullest. Do it, have fun, and never look back!

April 2017
Theresa holding our mounts during the Wagon Train in 1989

This month I want to celebrate a new friendship. Heidi Snider Kauffman is a Hunter/Jumper trainer and instructor I met at the Purina conference in Missouri last September. Read Heidi’s story this month on page 6. She’s a multi-talented woman with a passion for life.

I hope to have the chance to meet you someday. It’s been a privilege to work in this industry for over 21 years. I have no regrets and look forward to many more years of our ever-changing landscape in the industry. Who would have thought 21 years ago we’d be reading our magazines on a cell phone? I still prefer the printed copy but times are changing and we’re riding the wave. Have a great April and enjoy the ride!

Quote: Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Don’t give up and don’t give in. ~ Wanda Hope Carter, Author and Artist


Originally Published April 2017 Issue

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