Community support needed for chance to win up to $25,000 ASPCA grant to help save more horses
REDMOND WA — Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) horse rescue will be celebrating the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) national Help A Horse Day on April 23 and competing for a chance to win up to $25,000 in grant prizes to assist with their efforts to protect horses. To celebrate the day, SAFE will be holding the first ever “End Hunger Games,” an informative and interactive journey through the process of horse rescue. SAFE’s herd of rescued horses will be on hand to help visitors learn how SAFE transforms these scared, starved creatures into the vibrant, healthy animals they were always meant to be. Visitors will also get a first look at SAFE’s new home in Redmond WA and celebrate the rescue’s homecoming with cake and coffee.
This nationwide competition is for equine rescues and sanctuaries to raise awareness about the lifesaving work they do year-round to care for at-risk horses in their community who have often been abused or neglected. Horses have been central to the ASPCA’s work since its founding 150 years ago, when Henry Bergh stopped a cart driver from beating his horse, resulting in the first successful arrest for the mistreatment of a horse on April 26, 1866.
“The ASPCA Help A Horse Day contest gives SAFE the perfect opportunity to teach people in our community,” says SAFE Executive Director Bonnie Hammond. “It’s also a chance to give our supporters a chance to see our beautiful new home in Redmond. To us, The End Hunger Games aren’t just about feeding hungry horses. The horses that come to SAFE hunger for so much more…they hunger for safety, for kindness, for basic care…even for love. We have an amazing day planned and we really hope our local supporters will come out on April 23 to help us win a $25,000 grant from the ASPCA. We could do so much good for horses with that funding!”
Special guests at The End Hunger Games will include Regional Animal Services of King County, the Washington State Animal Response Team, Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center, Snohomish Search and Rescue, Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital, and many more!
Visitors to Help A Horse Day at SAFE will park their vehicles at The Overlake School, located at 20301 NE 108th St in Redmond. A shuttle bus will run continuously between The Overlake School and Safe Harbor Stables, which are about 3 minutes away from each other. Accessible parking will be available on site at Safe Harbor Stables.
About SAFE Horse Rescue
Since 2005, SAFE has been rescuing, rehabilitating, retraining, and rehoming horses in Western Washington These horses come to us from dire situations of neglect, abuse and starvation. They come to us hungry, weak, and afraid. First, we restore their health, then we provide the training and handling they need to succeed. When they’re ready, we carefully select the best possible adoptive home. Facing equine suffering and despair is difficult, but our reward is seeing the life come back into the eyes of these horses, watching them regain the shine and spirit of good health, and knowing that a bright future awaits each one.
For more information about SAFE, please visit

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