Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) horse rescue of Redmond WA will be partnering with reSTART Life to provide rescued horses to their Rise-Up Ranch inpatient program to help adults struggling with video game addiction.
reSTART, headquartered in Fall City, works with teens and adults in early recovery from screen additions, including video game, blockchain gaming, and Social Media addiction. reSTART offers residential care, counseling, coaching, and naturopathic psychiatry for behavioral addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions.
reSTART’s Rise–up Ranch, located in Carnation, offers adult clients a healthy place to start the process of recovery from addiction. Daily activities at Rise-up Ranch include caring for animals on the ranch, and taking on the day-to-day responsibility of ranch living. Animals at Rise–up Ranch include goats, chickens, kittens, and dogs.
Joining the farm this week will be two miniature horses from SAFE, Chip and Dale. The two minis were surrendered to SAFE in February after their owner was injured in a car accident that left them unable to care for their horses. Chip and Dale are senior citizens who love to kick up their heels as much as they love napping side by side in the sun. They are friendly and sweet, and should be a welcome addition to reSTART’s program. Chip and Dale will be on a long-term foster contract with ReSTART and will be leaving for their new home at Rise-Up Ranch on the afternoon of Thursday, Sept 1.

About Save a Forgotten Equine:
Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is devoted to the rescue and rehabilitation of horses facing abuse, neglect, or starvation. Once recovered, SAFE provides these horses with training, then finds adoptive homes through a rigorous screening process, which includes an application, reference checks, and site visits. After adoption, annual follow-up visits are conducted to ensure the animal’s continued well-being and SAFE will take a horse back if its adopter can’t continue to care for it. SAFE supports Animal Control agencies in several Washington counties and provides assistance to horse owners struggling to care for their animals in the current economy.
More about SAFE at
Contact: Bonnie Hammond, SAFE Executive Director, 206-331-0006 or [email protected]
About reSTART:
reSTART provides support for problematic screen use, video game addiction, VR, Social Media overuse, gaming, and gambling. Common co-occurring issues for those seeking change include depression, anxiety, academic problems, job under-performance and a general desire to escape from those problems through screen use. With nearly 10 years of experience, reSTART’s innovative approach has helped the digitally distressed find a greater sense of purpose, balanced use, and a connection to what matters most–life. People travel from all over the United States and abroad for a reSTART Retreat experience. Each retreat stay offers coaching to family members nationwide and around the world.
More about reSTART at

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.