Eight Helpful Tips to Ensure Success
by Mark Bolender
No matter how hard you prepare for a show, a little nervousness is normal. And that’s if things are going well. If not, like when your horse becomes unruly, the anxiety can escalate and cause the entire situation to go south very fast. You can get so frustrated that you want to leave. Sound familiar?

As a veteran of such frustrations, there are several things I can suggest to prevent this from happening. They include the following: 1) Prepare yourself and your horse by practicing in other arenas. 2) Master the obstacles and get help if needed. 3) Prior to the show, request a copy of the judging rules if they are not already listed. 4) If possible haul to the show grounds before the show date. 5) Practice visualizing the mastery of each obstacle every time you ride. Research shows this is the main thing you can do to improve your performance. Make sure you see yourself entering each obstacle in the center, and maintain a calm, bold and confident forward pace. You don’t want to rush or go too slow because that shows a lack of confidence and preparation. 6) Ensure your horse and tack are clean. Bring a clean set of clothes to change before you show. I like to see a nice riding outfit without excessive “bling” on the person or saddle. This is a Mountain Trail show or Trail Challenge show, so look like you’re going on a trail ride.7) Walk the course prior to the official walk-through. 8) If you want to win merits for your Quarter Horse at a Trail Challenge, make sure your membership is paid up.
Here are some things to avoid doing: 1) Never show up late. You and your horse will become stressed and that results in a lack of focus. 2) Don’t try to over-show your horse; go around an obstacle if you have not prepared for it. Some of the most successful riders I have seen while judging AQHA Trail Challenges and Mountain Trail shows exhibit certain behaviors. These include a neat clean rider/horse/tack ensemble; quiet hands; reassuring rather than forcing a hesitant horse; allowing a horse to move forward at a confidant, natural gait; having a horse that is well broke, meaning they have good control of hips, shoulders, etc.
What to expect at a Mountain Trail show or Trail Challenge
With the explosion of this sport expect to see shows with twenty to thirty mules and horses of all breeds in each class. That means that you will need to have your horse warmed up and ready before the walk-through if you have an early class. When the walk-through is complete you will be allowed to address the judges with questions concerning any judging rules. Try to keep your questions short and to the point. Listen to how the judge answers because they’re the ones who have been trained to evaluate the rider and horse. Be at the gate at least 10 minutes before your check-in time so you can watch some of the horses navigate the course and let yourself and your horse settle. Make sure you stop and wait for the judge before proceeding to the next obstacle while in a hold between judges. You’ll find out that the large shows will have different competition levels where each level has a greater difficulty. Expect to be asked to go around an obstacle after three refusals. This may seem harsh but the show will never get all riders through if you’re allowed to stop and school your horse. Remember to take time to enjoy the experience, this will help you focus.
Where to find the Mountain Trail Shows and Trail Challenge shows
Check the listing in the back of The Northwest Horse Source magazine and other online sites. For the AQHA Trail Challenges, check the AQHA website and look under “Recreation Riding” for the listed shows. There will also be Trail Challenges held at all the regional AQHA shows which are open to all breeds. This year it is held in Monroe, WA (in August). There will be six shows listed for Bolender Horse Park with the first one on April 14. You can also see these listed on www.bolenderhorsepark.com.
Happy Trails and Bolender Show Blessings
Published in April 2013 Issue

Mark and Lee Bolender own and operate Bolender Horse Park in Washington State, which houses the finest Mountain Trail course in the world. They are the founders of the International Mountain Trail Challenge Association (IMTCA) and travel worldwide as clinicians and ambassadors of Mountain Trail. Bolender Horse Park offers riders of all skill levels and disciplines a fun and challenging trail riding adventure.
Mark has designed and built Mountain Trail courses in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe—with many more in development. Mark uses his artistic, landscaping, horse training, and construction skills to build these courses (NW Steel Design LLC www.nwsteeldesign.com).
Mark is the author of Bolender’s Guide to Mastering Mountain and Extreme Trail Riding. Visit www.bolenderhorsepark.com to learn more.