Hi Al,
Good morning, I have a question that I’m hoping you can answer for me. I have recently started riding a friends horse (after not riding for almost 10 years). It is a 6yr old gelding (Section D Welsh Cob). I rode him for the second time yesterday, and while brushing him he kept turning to put his head on my back, or onto my shoulder or head if I was near enough. Some people have said this is a dominance thing and I shouldn’t allow it, but really he just seems like he is wanting affection. What does this behavior usually mean?
I don’t think that my friend spends a lot of time with him, other than actually riding, as his groom tacks the horse up, etc… could it be that he is just enjoying the attention?
Submitted by Jade
Hi Jade,

Al Dunning of Scottsdale, Arizona, is one of the most respected horsemen in the industry. Al and his students have garnered 48 world and reserve world championships. He has held numerous national leadership positions and earned multiple honors including induction into the AzQHA Hall of Fame. His 50+ years of experience as a professional trainer has led him to produce books, DVDs, clinics, Team AD online mentoring, and AD Tack, selling all the tack he uses as well as his books and videos. Al’s ability to reach people comes from his love of horses and out of respect to the mentors in his own life. For more information, visit https://www.aldunning.com or www.aldunningsadtack.com.