Meet at Rendezvous 2017 and Join the Party
By: Teri Starke

It always amazes me how fast the summer passes and 2016 was no exception. We are now in full planning mode for Back Country Horsemen of Washington’s 2017 Rendezvous in March. It will be held Friday, March 17 through Sunday, March 19, 2017 at the Kittitas Valley Event Center in Ellensburg, Washington.
Coincidentally, 2017 is BCHW’s 40th anniversary! Save the dates for Rendezvous as we are pulling out all the stops for BCHW’s celebration.
During Rendezvous we are showcasing Washington equine trainers and clinicians on Friday and Saturday (March 17th and 18th) in The Bloom Pavilion. We are specifically recruiting trainers from the Kittitas Valley because bad weather in March could make bringing horse trailers over the pass and from the far corners of the state a safety issue. More information on the trainers and what they are going to do will be put on our website, as we confirm those trainers.
The packer’s competition will be hosted by Okanogan Chapter again. Start practicing now! We are all looking forward to the competition in 2017.
As usual, the big and very popular used tack sale will also be happening on that weekend. Anyone can bring gently used tack and other items to sell. While you are there, purchase some more as I am sure there will be quite a few things you cannot live without.
Robert “TrailMeister” Eversole and Andy Breland from Trailhead Supply in Kalispell, Montana will also be at Rendezvous. They are working on some things that we are sure you will not want to miss. Check the schedule at for all the different clinics and seminars throughout the weekend.
Luft Trailers in Ellensburg will have trailers for sale around the fairgrounds again, we will be using one of their living quarters trailer for reservations and check-in. BCHW is grateful to Luft Trailers sales for their support each year.
Don’t forget to get a dinner ticket and stay for the auction. Dinner is by Cascade Mountain Grilling and is always tasty. Who knows what treasures the auction committee will come up with in 2017? Don’t miss BCHW’s 2017 Rendezvous as this is going to be a great anniversary weekend!
The annual BCHW Legislative Day is February 15th, 2017. This is our opportunity to let our legislators in Olympia know that keeping public lands open and fully funding trail maintenance for equines is of great importance to BCHW and all horse/mule owners in Washington State. BCHW is again participating in the Big Tent Outdoor Recreation Coalition that same day. Make sure you wear your boots and cowboy hat and come out to let them know you support BCHW’s mission.
Membership season is now open; please consider joining BCHW to assist our endeavor to keep public lands open for horses. New members who join after October will be paid up through December of 2017. Go to to print an application to mail or pay by PayPal on our website. Your membership is 100% tax deductible, as BCHW is a 501c3 organization.
Visit to find a local chapter to join if you want to find more areas to ride. Membership in BCHW will provide you with news about what is going on in public lands, riding areas, and new friends to ride with. While you are online, check out the BCHW Facebook Page – just go to Facebook and search for @public.bchw.
Teri Starke, State Treasurer, Ways and Means Chair, 2017 Rendezvous Chair 253-709-5052

Back Country Horsemen of Washington (BCHW), is a 501 (c) (3) organization with 32 chapters across the state dedicated to: keeping trails open for all users; educating horse users in Leave-No-Trace practices; and providing volunteer service to resource agencies.