It’s the perfect event for horse lovers! The 17th annual Northwest Horse Fair and Expo, presented by Akins Trailer Sales, will fill the facilities of Linn County Fair and Expo Center, March 18 through 20 in Albany, Oregon. The largest equine expo in the Northwest will feature fancy dancing horses, strutting stallions, clinics by world-class horse trainers and riders, breed and Stallion Review demos, exhilarating equine entertainment, a huge trade show and more! From massive to miniature, horses of various sizes, breeds, colors and uses will be on hand to educate, entertain, and delight audiences of all ages! According to John Cloe, event founder and manager, “We’re excited about this year’s lineup of clinicians and entertainment. And we have several brand new features this year, never seen before in the Northwest!”
The Ultimate Super Horse Challenge!
“We’re proud to present Charles Wilhelm’s Ultimate Super Horse Challenge for the first time ever at the Northwest Horse Fair!” Mr. Cloe said. Open to riders of all disciplines and all breeds of horses, the contest will consist of ten to twelve horse/rider partners who will show off their equitation, horse training, and partnership with their horse. Six different competitive events could include anything from maneuvering through obstacles or riding equitation patterns, to work with cattle. Competitors will compete for prizes and the title of Ultimate Super Horse 2016 Northwest Horse Fair & Expo Champion! For more information about participating in the Challenge, go to
A Model Horse Show!
Making its debut at the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo, Breyer Horse will host BreyerWest, to include two model horse shows, and opportunities for all ages to compete and enjoy activities with model horses. Space for entries remains in the Youth and Novice divisions. Entries for the Open portion of the show are full, with entrants coming from as far away as Florida, New Jersey and New Hampshire! In addition, there will be three days of Breyer fun, including FREE Stablemates painting for kids, hands-on workshops and FREE demos with hobby experts. Spectators can get a peek at the new 2016 models and enter the Breyer raffle!
According to Mr. Cloe, “We’re pleased to announce that we will have two LIVE Breyer Portrait Model horses at the Northwest Horse Fair! Expo attendees can meet the champion pinto mare, “Smokin’ Doubledutch”, a beautiful Quarter Pony, and one of the newest Breyer Portrait Models, “Cherry Creek Fonzie Merit”, a handsome black Canadian horse!” Both horses will be available to “sign autographs” and be photographed with expo attendees, and they will also appear in daily demos.
Exhilarating Equine Entertainment!
Interspersed between other expo activities, a variety of exciting equine entertainment will provide fun and excitement for spectators of all ages! The Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls will perform daredevil trick riding and fancy trick roping designed to put you on the edge of your seat! The BlackPearl Friesian Dance Troupe – always a crowd pleaser – will don fancy costumes and guide their elegant horses through marvelous maneuvers to magical music! The Rogue Mounted Archers will thrill audiences, as they fly past targets at a dead run, directing arrows with amazing accuracy! And the Mane Attraction Performance Drill Team will feature intricate choreography at speed on horseback, as they execute precision drills to music.
Clinics with Top-Notch Trainers & Instructors!
World famous horse trainer and instructor Pat Parelli headlines the variety of presenters offering clinics, workshops and lectures at the Northwest Horse Fair. The 2016 lineup of clinicians includes a Gold Medalist, Grand Champions and very successful trainers who will share their secrets for improved riding and effective work with horses!
Pat Parelli – Since his first seminar in 1982, Pat has presented his philosophy of love, language and leadership to over 1 million people, including the Queen of England, Anthony Robbins, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Tom Selleck. He has had over 200,000 students in 57 countries enrolled in his long-distance study program. A lifelong horseman, Pat Parelli is a former rodeo bronc rider, a horse trainer and all-around horse lover. Pat created his program based on his keen observation of horse behavior, psychology and communication. Pat will provide four clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair: on Friday, “Horses are from Mars, Humans are from Venus” and “The Power of Psychology vs. Mechanics”; and on Saturday, “It’s Not About the Issues” and “Revealing the Secrets of Bridleless Riding”.
Charles Wilhelm – is well known internationally as a superb horse trainer. His extensive experience spans forty years of training in Dressage, Working Cow Horse, Reining, Western Pleasure and Trail. He is known for his superb skills in communicating and motivating people, as well as his natural abilities with horses. Charles is also the creator of the Ultimate Super Horse ChallengeTM, held for the first time ever at the Northwest Horse Fair this year! Charles will give three presentations at the Northwest Horse Fair, all addressing “The Making of a Super Horse”, including “Where do I Start?”; “Foundational Super Horse Exercises”; and “Working Towards a Finished Super Horse”.
Kristina Harrison – is a USDF Gold Medal dressage trainer and rider based in Los Angeles, California. Kristina has trained with Olympic team coach Klaus Balkenhol in Germany, and has won numerous Dessage competition awards, through Grand Prix level. Kristina will teach three Dressage clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair: “How to Establish a Good Connection/Contact to the Bit”; “Develop a Systematic Warm-up for Your Horse”; and “How to Achieve Lightness and Responsiveness to the Aids”.
Mark Bolender – is an international expert in Mountain Trail, and a three-time National Grand Champion. He is active in judging as well as operating a judging school, which certifies judges in the USA, Canada and Europe for Mountain Trail and Trail Challenge. Mark’s presentations at the expo include: “The Mind of the Horse: Instinct and How it Factors Into How the Horse Approaches the Obstacles of Mountain Trail”; “The Horse’s View: Viewing Obstacles from the Horse’s Perspective & How to Use Their Instinct to Your Advantage”; and “Worthy of Leadership? How to use the Horse’s Instinct to Lock the Horse Into a Commitment of Mastering the Obstacles”.
Heidi A. McLaughlin – is a freelance writer, published author, public speaker and clinician. She is a former fearful rider who has found the secret to fearless riding! She shares her inspirational story with others, in hopes of helping those who are missing out on the joy of horsemanship, because of their fear. She teaches a method to break down fear and build up confidence. Heidi will provide three clinics at the Northwest Horse Fair, titled: “How to Overcome Fear in the Saddle”; “Do You Fear Your Horse’s Spook?”; and “Overcoming Your Fear of Cantering”.
Robert Eversole – “The TrailMeister”, started when he served with a Mounted Search and Rescue team and found that accurate trail information wasn’t available. Years later, is the largest guide to horse riding and camping areas in the world, with free trail and trailhead information, trail maps, and much more. The guide is designed to help horse enthusiasts experience the joys of trail riding. Robert will offer these lectures and seminars at the Northwest Horse Fair: “ABC’s of Trail Riding – A Primer of Why & How for Trail Riders Using the Alphabet as our Launching Point”; “A Look at Emergency Preparedness for Trail Riders with an Emphasis on Electronic Devices that are Available”; “Horse Camping 101 – Learn the Main Considerations When Preparing for Your First Horse Camping Adventure”; and “Horse Camping 102 – Venture Beyond the Trailhead for an Epic Backcountry Horse Trip!”.
Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls – Since the performance team’s founding in 1976, the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls have performed in 19 countries, on five different continents, building their reputation as world-class performers of trick riding, trick roping and Roman riding troupe. In addition to exciting daily performances, the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls will teach 3 clinics at the expo, including: “The 7 Steps to Start & Maintain Trick Riding Horses”; “Trick Riding: Fundamental Western Performance Basics: Developing a Rider Into an Equestrian Athlete”; and “Trick Riding: Showmanship & Performance – Taking Your Skills From the Practice Pen to the Show Arena”.
Wayne Williams – is the Host of “Speaking of Horses” Radio and on-line TV, and is also a renowned equine event and horse show announcer, across the U.S and Canada. Wayne will be on hand throughout the Northwest Horse Fair, visiting with fans and attendees. On Saturday, Wayne will feature his award winning 30 minute movie “Horse Spirit Society”, a story of the Oglala Sioux near Wounded Knee in South Dakota, covering their current struggles to keep horses as their main stream life. The Film won a ‘Best in Show” at the 2013 Chicago/St. Charles Equus Film Festival and Honorable mention in New York City at the Equus Film Festival 2014.
Additional educational workshops, demos and lectures will be offered throughout the three days of the expo. Northwest Horse Fair management is accepting applications for clinic participants, who want the exciting opportunity to work with the pros. Application deadline is February 1. For more information or to apply, go to
Trade Show Shopping
Two full buildings will house a large trade show, featuring trailers, clothing for riders and horses, feed, boots, gifts, home décor items, jewelry, equine equipment, equine products and services, and much more! And to shoppers’ advantage, there is no sales tax on purchases in Oregon!
Admission Discounts!
On Friday March 18, expo attendees can receive $1 off the gate admission price, by bringing a non-perishable food item to the entrance gate, for the benefit of the Albany Helping Hands Homeless Shelter. One discount per person.
Youth Day, sponsored by KMTR-TV will be offered Sunday March 20 at the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo. Youth aged 12 years and under get in free that day, when accompanied by a paying adult, plus 4-H and Pony Club members aged 13 to 18 years, get in free with their club ID cards.
More Information & Tickets
For more details about the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo, go to, email [email protected], call 765-655-2107, or join us for late breaking details and excitement, on Facebook and Twitter.
Advance tickets go on sale after January 20, at Wilco stores and various area tack and feed stores. A complete list of ticket locations is at
Sponsors for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo 2016 include: Akins Trailer Sales, the presenting sponsor; Beelart Embroidery; Guaranty RV & 5th Wheel Centers; KMTR-TV; Youth Day sponsor; KRKT radio; Logan Trailers; Northwest Rider Magazine, the official publication of the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; Phoenix Inn & Suites, the hosting hotel for the Northwest Horse Fair and Expo; and Wilco.

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.