Free Class to Teach Saw Safety and Skills
Crosscut saw training for ladies will be offered once again at this year’s Rendezvous. The intent of this course is to get potential BCHW sawyers ready for upcoming spring certification classes and out safely clearing trails. This is a necessary skill whether you are participating in organized trail projects or you just want to be able to continue down the trail after meeting a fallen tree.
There will be a four-hour class on Saturday, March 17 to educate and train women on the fine points of safely using both one- and two-person saws and how to carry a saw on your riding animal. Also covered will be personal protective equipment and how to become a BCHW certified sawyer. Trail riders may also find information on how to provide a good Trail Inspection Report for trail crews. There will be classroom instruction and hands-on practice offered.

There is no charge for this class but you must reserve a spot in advance so the organizers can plan for the right-sized training facility and have enough classroom materials. Please RSVP by Friday, March 9 to Tony Karniss ([email protected] or 360-748-8640). For the final scheduled time and location and any other information, go to the Rendezvous page at
This class is being organized and instructed by Tom Faubion, Tom Mix, Tony Karniss, Pam Swigert, Barb Talbott & Debra Davis (USFS).
Upcoming BCHW Activities and Events
March 16-18 – 2018 Rendezvous, Board and General Meetings. Kittitas Valley Event Center, Ellensburg, WA
March 24 – 13th Annual Great Gravel Pack-In at Capitol State Forest near Olympia
April 23-25 – BCH of America National Board Meeting, Northern Quest Casino in Airway Heights, WA (Near Spokane)
May 19 – BCHW Joe Watt Canyon Ride, Ellensburg, WA
June 2 – National Trails Day; this event will be to clean, brush, repair and install new highline poles in the Black Pine Horse Camp Wenatchee River Ranger District
June 16 – 2nd Quarter BCHW Board of Directors meeting at Kittitas Valley Event Center, Ellensburg, WA (All BCHW members are welcome to sit in)
July 21-25 – BCHW Statewide Work Party—Wenatchee River Ranger District; Pre-registration required, more information coming soon.
For more information: and the official Facebook page

Back Country Horsemen of Washington (BCHW), is a 501 (c) (3) organization with 32 chapters across the state dedicated to: keeping trails open for all users; educating horse users in Leave-No-Trace practices; and providing volunteer service to resource agencies.