Ice-Vibe boots are rechargeable vibrating boots that boost circulation in horse’s legs.
They combine the effects of cooling and massage therapy to effectively treat strains, ligament and tendon damage. The boots can be used with and without cold packs to reduce swelling and stimulate blood flow.
Cooling slows down blood flow to prevent swelling, while the massage effect encourages lymph to move, draining inflammation and stimulating repair to damaged tissue. The vibration mimics the effect of a horse walking quietly in the field, making them perfect for horses on box rest.
Using the boots before exercise can help reduce the risk of injury as increasing blood flow to the tendons and ligaments makes them more elastic. Everyday wear and tear on joints can be managed with daily use of the boots, and rehabilitation through injury can be achieved more quickly.
Ice-Vibe has two treatment settings, and can be used up 2 times a day without the ice packs and up to 3 or 4 times a day with the ice backs.
The boots are contoured to fit the lower leg, and can be used on the front or hind legs. Also available in a hock and knee version.
Available in:
Boots; sizes Full & Extra Full
Hock size Full
Knee size Full
MSRP for Full Size boot: $275.00
MSRP for Extra Full Size boot: $295.00
MSRP for Hock: $289.00
MSRP for Knee: $289.00
Horseware Ireland Ice-Vibe
About Horseware
Founded in 1985 in Dundalk, Ireland, by Tom and Carol MacGuinness. After months of research and hand stitching the prototype of the now iconic Rambo Original was born, setting the standard for modern blanket design. Today, Horseware is a leading manufacturer of clothing for horses and riders and continues to make the most innovative products on the market. Our Blanket Lines range from Rambo, Rhino, Amigo and Rambo Quarter Horse. Their Rambo turnouts are still manufactured in Dundalk where they employ 125 people. 250 people are employed Horseware’s two factories in China, 80 in Cambodia and 36 in the USA.

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