Currently overnight camping is still closed at the Les Hilde trailhead, lily and lizard lake campgrounds(Blanchard) and also dispersed camping on state land in counties still under the phase 1. READ ARTICLE REGARDING ALL CAMPGROUNDS HERE
June 18th will be DNR fire training day like last year in the Harry Osborne forest. This training includes multiple agencies in the northwest region like local county fire districts, USFS Fire crews, DNR fire crews and others. The actual site will be in the west portion of the forest and will be accessed by the Scott Paper Road and then the Crown Pacific mainline. This training will also include prescribed fire if the weather and local conditions allow. DNR helicopter will also be used in the training and will be located in the Medford rock pit which will be closed all day the 18th to public entry for safety reasons.
More information will be coming like a location map and probably a press release about the training.
Its anticipated that new timber harvest will be starting up about mid-July and most of the units are located in the western part of the Harry Osborne Forest. There is one unit that will be northeast of the trailhead. This timber harvest has 5 separate units that will probably have multiple truck/vehicle activity on multiple road systems at the same time. I have been working with the foresters to reduce logging activity on or along trails but there will be some impact and the contractor will be made aware of the requirements to cleanout trails or reduce the impacts as best they can. The trails that are in these units are in number 5 which are portions of Debbie’s trail and picnic table trail which some leave trees have been selected to be left adjacent and around the trails. Please be aware of the road traffic and more information on when actual activity will start and where. More to come.
Rick Foster, Baker District Recreation Manager Northwest Region
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
919 N Township ST, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.