Embracing the possibilities with change

I’m starting a new chapter in my life. After 30 years in the same home I’ve decided I need a change. After things got super tight with publishing in 2009 we stuck it out in a downtown office for 2 more years. In 2011 we moved our office back home. So….we went from a 1200 square foot office space to our 1200 square foot home. Our office at NWHS currently takes up 2 of the 3 bedrooms in our home. We have been operating in this space for several years now and I’ve finally made the decision to make a change.
It’s hard. While being in a fairly quiet neighborhood on 6 acres we’ve made so many improvements it was a difficult decision to move. The money really isn’t here right now to do this but I trust this prompting to make the move. We need more office space to grow the business. It’s time for a change. I long to be closer to trails. Bottom line we just need more room.
I’m a dreamer. I’m always reaching for things that are out of reach. I don’t know any other way to live life. I’ve felt the past few years I’ve lived in fear with all the changes in the publishing industry. People have so many more choices for advertising and less budget so it’s getting more and more difficult to convince people that print is still important. There are new venues popping up all the time that offer targeted advertising, statistics and promise of more exposure.
It’s interesting how many people never ask the question about numbers or exposure in this business. So if you do want your advertising to work why consider a print publication? Let me explain. (Link to: https://nwhorsesource.com/5-reasons-to-embrace-print-magazines-for-your-advertising-needs/).
That being said, where the Northwest Horse Source is making many strategic changes is in it’s online marketing. We now have a responsive website and digital edition. (This means you can view the magazine and web content on your smart phone and tablet). We’re getting the SEO done (Search engine optimization) and continually adding new content to the site. You see, it’s all about the content. So as I reach outside my comfort zone into this new venture, I’m inviting you to come along on this journey with me.
With anything in life, things can change in an instant. (See December 2015 cover story: https://nwhorsesource.com/december-2015-cover-story-the-price-of-passion/ ). It has caused me to falter, however, I will not let this challenge keep me from living a life of purpose and fulfillment. Our God is just bigger than that. In the next coming weeks and months I will take you on a journey with me about finding a new place to spread out and really get some space to work and expand on my life with horses at the same time.
You might as well dream big if you’re going to do it at all!
Quote: Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. ~ Goethe
Image compliments of www.barnpros.com

Owner/Publisher Karen’s lifelong love of horses began at a very early age when she wore out a couple of rocking horses before convincing her parents to get her the real thing. That ill-tempered bay gelding, Brandy, was a challenge for the young horsewoman, but it drove her ambition to become a horse trainer. After attending Canyonview Equestrian College’s Horsemanship Program, Karen realized she needed work that was a little more lucrative than training, so she took a job with Customs Brokerage to pay the bills. There, she discovered an affinity for computers and a talent for creating informative, entertaining newsletters. The Northwest Horse Source began as such a letter in December 1995, with a distribution of 1000 copies for its 12 black and white pages. Now 29 years later, it’s an online magazine and website with a reach of over 10,000 per month and growing! Not bad for the results of one woman’s dream to work with horses!
Today, Karen remains involved with every aspect of the magazine and treasures the community of thousands who share a common passion.