But I Still Love What I Do
Horses have been part of my life since I was in grade school. I begged my parents to get me a horse. It’s hard to explain the pull towards our beloved horses but I had it bad. I collected Breyer Horse models and played with them for hours, much to my mother’s dismay. She kept getting me dolls in hopes that I would become less tomboy and more girlish, but it never happened.
I finally got my wish when I was in fourth grade and we moved to Blaine, Washington where I got my first horse, a little bay gelding named Brandie. While he was my dream horse his temperament said otherwise. I learned to compensate for his crankiness and went on to show in 4-H, trail ride, and just be with my horse. I’ve had a horse ever since.
Many things led me to where I am today, but I could never have dreamed I would have my own horse magazine and earn my living from it for nearly 30 years. After graduating from Canyonview School of Horsemanship in the early 80s I worked corporate jobs for 15 years and trained some horses on the side. I was a techie in my younger years and grew to love creating company newsletters. The idea of a magazine was spawned.
These days, I’d love to slow down a little. Technology has gotten more difficult for me, but we must grow with the times. I feel as if I’m falling behind some days. My retirement plans haven’t quite gone as planned since being an entrepreneur sometimes means you don’t have all the benefits of working a job. So, I’ll be doing this for a bit longer. It’s okay. I’m fortunate to do what I love for a living!
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that people are far more important than knowing everything. Having the right team has kept this project going and I’m forever grateful for the people who help me keep the Northwest Horse Source going. I do feel blessed. I’m glad I can live my dream. I’m certainly not rich financially but I’m rich in friends, connections, customers, and life experiences. It’s a good life.
Enjoy our article on page 6 about a unique veterinary clinic opening a new facility in Oregon. Enjoy the journey, love your horse, and have some fun!
“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” –Carol Burnett, Actress/Comedian/Singer
See this article in the July 2024 online edition:
July 2024

Owner/Publisher Karen’s lifelong love of horses began at a very early age when she wore out a couple of rocking horses before convincing her parents to get her the real thing. That ill-tempered bay gelding, Brandy, was a challenge for the young horsewoman, but it drove her ambition to become a horse trainer. After attending Canyonview Equestrian College’s Horsemanship Program, Karen realized she needed work that was a little more lucrative than training, so she took a job with Customs Brokerage to pay the bills. There, she discovered an affinity for computers and a talent for creating informative, entertaining newsletters. The Northwest Horse Source began as such a letter in December 1995, with a distribution of 1000 copies for its 12 black and white pages. Now 29 years later, it’s an online magazine and website with a reach of over 10,000 per month and growing! Not bad for the results of one woman’s dream to work with horses!
Today, Karen remains involved with every aspect of the magazine and treasures the community of thousands who share a common passion.