Attention Dressage Instructors! FREE Webinar is January 12, 7 pm EST/4 pm PST. Register today at:
The Dressage Instructors webinar will be hosted by Randi Thompson, founder of Horse and Rider Awareness; Jodi Lees, USEF “R” Dressage Judge (waiting for upgrade to “S”), and moderated by Laura Kelland-May, USEF “R” Equitation Judge.
According to Ms. Thompson, “We know what riding instructors need to do to succeed in the horse business and are sharing the steps to success that will make a difference for them.
Already, the response to the Dressage Instructor Webinar has been overwhelming. Over 80 people registered for our first webinar last month, and 400 people have joined our new Dressage Instructor Facebook page! (
Thank you everyone! Together we make a difference for each other as professionals in the Dressage world.”
States Jodi Lees, “The Dressage Instructors webinars are designed to enhance the effectiveness of instructors in your teaching skills and in the management of your businesses. We want to be an asset for instructors – a place where you can find answers and have discussions about training, teaching and business concepts specifically pertaining to the equine industry. In this next webinar, we will continue our discussion from the Judge’s Box on riding figures accurately and correctly. We will also discuss teaching techniques for creating better communication with your students especially regarding confidence in the control of their horses and of their own balance in the saddle. We will finish off this webinar with a discussion about the necessity of effective record keeping in your horse business.”
Kelland-May says, “There is a lot of information out there for instructors. We’ve developed a series of webinars for dressage instructors that focus on; From the Judges Box, Teaching Techniques and Horse Business #101 business tools. It’s a brilliant format because we cover topics that are important to dressage instructors, as well as get into some business concepts to them develop their business side of things.” Kelland-May goes on to say that “Sometimes we dive into specific details of what the judge would like to see for specific movements and sometimes it is very heated discussion on our views. In any case, there are specific tools and tips for people to have to grow their business.”
Topics include:
“From the Judges Box”
Are you coaching riders who are competing in dressage? Would you like to hear from a judge about what they is important for you to know? Join us as we discuss easy solutions to improve to improve what your riders are doing for better test scores.
“Teaching Techniques”
It’s all about how we are communicating to our students. Have you heard of the Socratic technique for sharing information? Now you can discover how asking and answering questions will create a “thinking rider.” Asking the right questions will make a difference in everything you are doing to keep your students safe and to take you to the next level as a professional dressage instructor.
“Horse Business 101”
Record Keeping. This is a tough area for most professionals in the horse world. Join with us as we discuss some of the basics that are important to your business. The records you should be keeping can also make a difference legally. What do you need to know and where should you get started.
Your Hosts:
Randi Thompson is the founder of Horse and Rider Awareness. Randi has been coaching professionals in the horse world for over 20 years in horse and rider training, business and marketing. She has recently produced National and Regional USDF winners through Intermediate 1.
Jodi Lees is a USEF “R” Dressage Judge (waiting for upgrade to “S”) She has been competing for over 35 years and instructing for over 25 years.
Laura Kelland-May will be the moderator. Laura is a Canadian Sr. Judge and Steward, and also a USEF “R” Judge.
Register today for your FREE Dressage Instructors Webinar! Those who register will be able to watch what we are doing, even if you are unable to attend as it will be recorded. Join with us for the live Dressage Instructors webinar and you can ask questions! Click on this link:
Those who would like to invest more in their success can join us for our live Dressage Instructor Bootcamp Spring 2017, Tryon NC area.
Would you like to be a sponsor or have a special gift that you would like to share with other Dressage Instructors? Contact us today! We will be giving away free prizes during our webinars and the live Dressage Instructor Bootcamp.
Would you like to feature the Dressage Instructor programs? For interviews and more information contact Randi Thompson at: or call her at: 828-697-4274.
Contact: Randi Thompson
Company: Horse and Rider Awareness
Phone: (828) 697-4274
Email: [email protected]

News from the horse industry. Sharing today’s information as it happens. The Northwest Horse Source is not responsible for the content of 3rd party submissions.