Meet Cowboy Mounted Shooter Walker Dixon

Walker Dixon started shooting only a year ago (last February) when his wife bought him a new shooters’ clinic for a Valentine’s Day present. A novice rider, he excelled quickly, learning to ride and shoot at the same time. His love for the sport drove him to success and he won seven competitions in a row, including a Shotgun and Overall win. Walker’s horse Chester, now 21, retired this year and he began competing on a new horse, Outlaw. The two are rapidly coming together for an exciting year. Is there someone in your life who needs to be introduced to this sport? Learn more at or email club secretary Karen Plumlee at [email protected].
2014 Upcoming Events:
Sept. 6-7 CMSA – WWMS Sharp Shooter #3, CAP Farms, Sultan, WA
Sept. 19-21 CMSA – Kittitas County Mounted Shooters, Ellensburg, WA
Sept. 24-27 MSA World Championships, Ft Worth, TX
Oct 10-12 CMSA Lone Star Classic, Vernon, TX
Oct 15-18 CMSA Tony Lama World Championships, Amarillo, TX
Originally Published September 2014 Issue
WWMS members vary from kids to adults, and from the recreational shooter to the serious National and World competitor, so there’s a spot for everyone. We are a friendly group, and enjoy introducing the sport to others. Please feel free to contact us at any time, and come join the addiction that is Cowboy Mounted Shooting!!!