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Durango® Boots Joins the AgPack® National Program Emphasizing Its Commitment to the Farm and Agricultural Community

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Today, Durango® Boots joined the AgPack® national program, which provides exclusive discounts and rebates to farmers and ranchers who purchase their qualifying vehicles from a dealer enrolled in the Certified Agriculture Dealer™ Program. For more information, visit – https://getagpack.com/durango-boots-agpack-offer

Through this program, Durango® Boots will offer a 25% off discount on qualifying products. “We are thrilled to partner with Ag Pack. This partnership was a natural fit as we both are partners of the PRCA and share the same rural farm and ranch customers”, commented Erin DeLong, marketing manager for Durango® Boots. “Our Durango brand stands committed to serving the agriculture market by providing best in class footwear and will be able to do so even more by aligning with Ag Pack.”

“In 2023 AgPack redemption savings averaged $14,828 per truck for farmers and ranchers, just because they bought their truck from a Certified Agriculture Dealer. With these new Partners, if they’re aggressive using all their AgPack benefits, farm and ranch supply savings could exceed $45,000*. That’s because no other dealer can give them the exclusive rebates & discounts, on everyday products they need for their operations anyway, only through AgPack,” said CAD’s CEO Patrick Driscoll.

To hear additional details, check out the recent Drivin’ Agriculture Podcast featuring Erin DeLong and Durango® Boots – https://youtu.be/XsqfRamxl_k.

About Durango Boots

Founded in 1966, Durango® Boots manufactures and markets quality-crafted western and fashion footwear for men, women, and children. It is a division of Rocky Brands™, a publicly traded company on NASDAQ® under the symbol: RCKY. For more information visit durangoboots.com

About The Certified Agriculture Group (TCAG):

TCAG represents a broad range of tools and products geared toward American farmers’ and ranchers’ truck purchase experiences. Through Certified Agriculture Dealerships SM (CAD), agricultural truck customers will find, specialty extended service contracts (CADProtect), and a value add that delivers as much as a $45,000 return on their truck investment (AgPack®) through exclusive farm/ranch supply savings. Its website AgTruckTrader ® .com provides AgPack- eligible inventory across all CAD locations. The organization also offers AGwagon™, the world’s first purpose-built truck for farmers, ranchers and Western lifestyle enthusiasts. Learn more at:


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