Watch and Learn
by Jennifer Burnell

As spring arrives, mounted shooters begin to leg up their horses and break out their single action revolvers and start practicing. Mounted shooting is a family-oriented sport and days spent practicing are fun, exciting, and challenging. Everyone helps out, in the saddle and on the ground. Besides shooting patterns, everyone takes turns helping set up courses, fill balloons, and ride out to replace balloons after every practice run. Lots of advice is available, with experienced folks willing to help with tips and training. We welcome spectators and new shooters at practices and are happy to answer questions. Contact Jennifer Burnell [email protected] or see WESTERNWASHINGTONMOUNTEDSHOOTERS on Facebook for dates and locations for practices and clinics.
Originally Published April 2017 Issue
WWMS members vary from kids to adults, and from the recreational shooter to the serious National and World competitor, so there’s a spot for everyone. We are a friendly group, and enjoy introducing the sport to others. Please feel free to contact us at any time, and come join the addiction that is Cowboy Mounted Shooting!!!