CHA Region One Conference is February 29 – March 3
By Phil Peterson – CHA Region 1 Director
Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) promotes excellence in safety and education by certifying riding instructors, accrediting equine facilities, producing educational conferences, and publishing educational resources. CHA has a new website. Visit www.CHA.Horse for more information.
As a horsemanship instructor I have been fortunate to see hundreds of students who share a common trait— the love of horses. Remembering this helps instructors connect with their students. In CHA’s certifications we look at five core standards: safety, horsemanship, teaching skills, group control, and professionalism. Each area reveals the critical elements and characteristics of a great instructor.
I often watch other instructors teach to catch just one unique moment where connection happens between teacher and student, between student and horse, or between students. It creates the aha moments that make teaching worthwhile.
At the CHA Region 1 Annual Conference you will find instructors from all disciplines gathered to share ideas, techniques, and resources. Our 24 mounted workshops will feature professionals from around our region helping you hone your riding skills and demonstrating teaching techniques. In addition, classroom presentations will focus on veterinary care, farrier topics, nutrition, personal development, trail and packing skills, and programming.
Our keynote presentation will be given by CHA CEO Tammi Gainer, also a certified instructor. All these sessions will prove helpful and encouraging. For a full schedule of workshops visit the Region 1 website noted below.
Awards will be given to nominees for CHA Instructor of the Year and CHA School Horse of the Year. This event is one of the best values professional trainers can give themselves and will provide tremendous takeaways. We’d be happy to have you join us!
Registration is open for CHA Region 1 conference February 29 – March 3, 2024. Location is Warm Beach Horsemanship in Stanwood WA, Find more information about Northwest programs and certifications at
See this article in the January 2024 online edition:
February 2024

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.