Three Part Series: Build A Personal Foundation for Success

Part 3 of 3: Set Powerful Goals by Jen Verharen   Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver, from the poem “The Summer Day” There are many reasons we don’t set goals — fear of failure, fear of …

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Build a Personal Foundation for Success

April 2017

Part 2 of 3: Uncover Your Core Values by: Jen Verharen   Last month we discussed creating a vision for your business, your riding, or any other aspect of your life. Because each part in this series builds on the last one, you might want to review last month’s article. …

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Three Part Series: Build a Personal Foundation for Success

March 2017

Part 1 of 3: Create a Vision by Jen Verharen   I recently had a client say to me, “Everything on my vision board has come true this year. I can’t believe it!” Huh? Believe me, if the logical, left side of your brain is going, “Yeah, right,” you’re not …

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