No Lawn Clippings! – There are Many Risks Involved with Feeding Grass Clippings

Keep equines from accessing clippings in this type of situation. Photo by Dr. Cassie Torhorst.

Now that lawn mowing season is in full swing, I get a shocking number of questions about whether it’s safe to feed horses your lawn clippings. The answer is absolutely not! Many of us got this pounded into our heads at a young age in 4H or Pony Club, but …

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The Complex Hock – Fusion: A Permanent Fix

The horse’s hock is comprised of four joints and undergoes both flexion and rotation. Photo by Kim Roe.

The hock joint of the horse, also known as the tarsus, is very important to both hindlimb flexion and rotation. I am frequently asked about hock pain in horses. Pain in the hock can stem from numerous locations around the joint, but also inside the joint. The hock is comprised …

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Which Leg is Lame? Part One (of 3) – A Beginners Guide to Breaking Down What You See

Head goes down with the sound limb. Photo by Dr. Torhorst

This article is the first in a 3-part series to help horse owners see and understand where their horse is lame.   Forelimb Lameness As a veterinarian, I frequently encounter client questions as to how to evaluate lameness. In this article I’ll cover forelimb lameness and the common signs we …

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