Have an event to promote? Submit it here.

Advertise with Us

Need to promote your business? We have opportunities on both the Northwest Horse Source and Colorado Horse Source websites!

Get started by answering a few quick questions below.
Not sure where to start? Call Karen at 360-332-5579 or email [email protected] or download the 2024 Media Kit.


The Northwest Horse Source

Colorado Horse Source

Online Advertising

With 1,000s of website visitors each month you can promote your business to a targeted audience of horse lovers!

  • Exclusive Email Blast to our Subscribers
  • Boosted Facebook Post
  • Online Article Post
  • Online Marketplace Ad
  • 468×60 in article banner
  • 300×250 Web Banner
  • 1400×400 Front Page Banner
  • Real Estate Promotions

Business Directory

Our optimized online Business Directory is a great place to give your business additional exposure and online presence.

  • Featured Listing
  • Regular Listing
  • SEO enhanced
  • Like having your own mini website!

Digital Magazine

Our digital magazine has many advertising options with interactive ads and more. Northwest is the best branding resource backed by 28+ years experience.
(Prices per issue, 12 issues annually)

  • Equine Marketplace Ad (2.306” x 2.25”)
  • 1/6 Page Ad
  • 1/4 Page Ad
  • 1/3 Page Ad
  • 2/3 Page Ad
  • Full Page Ad
  • Inside Front or Back Cover
  • Back Cover
  • Front Cover and Story
Where would you like to promote your business?
Select your one or more areas for more information.
Are you interested in?

Call Karen at 360-332-5579 or email [email protected]

Thank you for supporting the businesses that support The Northwest Horse Source

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The Northwest Horse Source Magazine