Putting the Fun in Fundraising!
The Century Club is a fun horseback riding opportunity for everyone who loves to ride, as well as a fund raising activity for the ABHA organization. Here’s how it works:
- Each rider commits to ride 100 miles, or ride 100 hours on their horse within a given time frame. Riders can do both!
- For 2013, the time frame will begin May 1, 2013 and end on October 25, 2013.
- Riders will track their progress throughout the year towards the 100 mile and/or 100 hour “century” mark.
- Riders can ride any horse, anywhere, with any one!!
- ABHA will coordinate numerous sanctioned rides throughout the year, which will qualify riders with additional Blazer Bonus miles or time. Riders can also earn additional Blazer Pride miles, or time, riding their registered Blazer horse.
- Riders completing established bench mark miles or hours will receive recognition at the ABHA annual convention.
- The rider with the most miles will receive the 2013 ABHA Century Club Long Rider Champion belt buckle and recognition at the ABHA annual convention.
- Century club activities limited to non-professional riding activities or events.
Please contact Richard Carrig with ABHA for Century Club details. Phone: (208) 461-7753.
Email: [email protected]
Join today and ride, ride, ride!! Learn more about the club, and our horses, at blazerhorse.com.
Published July 2013 Issue

The mission of ABHA is to encourage and support members of the Association, while they raise, exhibit, promote and enjoy the American Blazer Horse. It is also our goal to maintain a history of the Blazer Horse by recording their bloodlines and achievements for the preservation of the breed. blazerhorse.com